Chapter 13

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The next day went by really fast, I started to feel even worse, I couldn't keep anything down including fluids and I had to prepare a proposal for a new client

Carole had emailed me explaining that this particular client has specifically requested that I work on the project, I was just waiting for her to send over the clients email that she had received.

Carole is an amazing employee that I hired a few years ago to look after the business when I wasn't working and because I majority of the time work from home, I needed someone to be present and well, she had amazing references and her portfolio was one of the best marketing portfolios I had ever seen. So I knew I needed her there and then so I offered her the job.

Just as I was in my thoughts, I received an email notification from Carole so I opened it and by the time I had got to the second line of it I was fuming. Is he fucking joking?

I continued reading the email absolutely raging.

This email was sent from someone at UNDN, Colsons nail varnish brand, the guy explained that he had been passed my details directly by Colson and was told to contact me and not take no for answer.

I don't need any favors for one and why the hell is he trying to get me wrapped up in his business for?

I picked up my phone about to send him a really shitty message but the door buzzed so I stormed over to it and swung it open, I felt sorry for the poor guy who was stood at the door looking awkward and a little scared at the same time.

"These are for you" he stated and handed me a bouquet of black roses, what?

"Thanks" I replied and took the roses off him and threw them behind me, I smiled at him, he started smirking clearly seeing things like this all the time, I thanked him again and shut the door.

I walked straight back to the table where my laptop was set up and emailed Carole explaining to her that we would not be taking on this contract and asking her if she would respond to the email.

Once that had sent, I walked into my kitchen area to grab a drink, I was so thirsty but drinking made me sick so after some Google questions, I found a forum and 'NewMama125' advised small sips shouldn't make me throw up.
So small sips it is.

As I was taking baby sips from out of the glass I noticed there was a card barely visable from the pile of roses lying on the floor, I picked it up and opened it.

Hey baby mama,
I'm really sorry, I'm going to make this up to you, if it's the last thing I do.
I really wanna see you.
Cassie won't stop talking about you.
Call me,

Colson xxx

What? Yours?

He's definitely not mine.

I rolled my eyes.

After I had finished up with my work I spent my night lying in bed watching movies and texting Amy about life, I also sent a message to Cassie telling her she didn't need to apologise and all is okay.

I honestly didn't think pregnancy would feel like this, I feel so sick it's unreal, I can't keep anything down, it's like I've got a constant hangover.

Yuk! When did you last eat? Don't you think you should go to the doctor? Surely not being able to drink or eat isn't good for the baby and btw I have to ask lmao, how are you on the sex side of things? I heard pregnancy makes you really horny and we all know you ain't getting any, want some good toy reccos? And how the hell do you keep your hands off of him btw? He might be a train wreck but he's so fucking hot!!!

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