Chapter 28

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Her words cut through me like a knife.

I leaned back against the counter top to steady myself, I had zoned out due to shock.

I could hear Colson shouting in the background followed by a loud slam of the door.

"Amber?" he walked towards me.

"Fucking, don't you dare!" I warned him.

"This is n... Fuck!" he took a deep breath "We need to talk, bbb..ut you need to promise not to leave me again, I need you to promise" he got down on his knees and pulled me by my waist against him.

"Amber? Please, baby promise you won't leave me again, I need you"

"Don't call me baby and I can't promise that, but what I will promise you is that if you don't tell me what the fuck is going on then I'll leave right now"

He stayed silent.

"TELL ME!" I shouted causing him to jump.

"I'm fucking getting out of here!!" I lost my patience and pushed his arms off me.

"No wait! I.. This is really hard" he let out a deep breathe before continuing "I haven't been... I haven't been entirely honest with you" he gulped as he stood up.


"That day" he breathed before continuing "That day I didn't get on the plane" he paused purposely avoiding getting to the fucking point "I didn't get on the plane because Megan had showed up at my house, she told me, she told me that she had taken a pregancy test and it was inconclusive and..."

"Hang on, you fucking what?" I spat.

"I..." I cut him off.

"Some freak was following me around, I was having weird shit sent to my apartment, I wasnt well and not to mention... I nearly fucking died! but yet she told you she might be pregnant and you dropped everything for her because she could be pregnant? My baby could be fucking dead for all I know!" I started walking mindless around the room waving my hands, tears of anger and hurt started running down my cheeks when realisation hit me.

"I'm such a fucking idiot, you lied to me and I believed you"

He walked over to me and tried to pull me towards him "Don't you dare touch me, Don't you fucking dare!" I warned.

"Lied to you about what? I haven't lied to you Amber!" he tried to grab my arm.

"Get the fuck off me!"

"For fuck sakes Amber, what have I  lied to you about, I haven't lied to you"

"Oh, so your sperm swam out of your penis and into her vagina by itself did it! You told me you hadn't slept with anyone since me! You lying bastard!" I started crying hysterically at this point.

"I haven't slept with her or anyone else since you, the last time we had sex was a few weeks before I met you"

"Don't fucking lie to me!"

"I'm not, I swear on Cassie's life"

I shook my head.

I didn't know what to say to that, he caught me off guard with that comment.

"Ambs" he reached for my arm again and I stepped backwards "We don't even know if she definitely is pregnant"

I started laughing.

"Right, so, let me just wrap my head around this, she told you weeks ago she could be pregnant after taking a test that's came back inconclusive, correct?"

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