Chapter 6

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I woke up to someone pounding on my apartment door.

I looked at my alarm clock that read 19:00, I must of fallen asleep after my little crying session.

I grabbed my hoodie from off of my chair and walked towards my front door, I was a little freaked out, there was honestly no reason for anyone to bang on someone's door that loud, so I grabbed my kitchen scissors on the way just incase.

I looked through the little spy hole and my heart started beating 10 to the dozen! It was Colson.

Really? Does the man have no shame? I could feel my face burning up with anger like steam was about to blow out of my ears like you see on a  cartoon and I contempted for a second letting him in and telling him exactly what I thought of him but last minute decided against it, so I quietly crept back to my bedroom and waited for him to go.

I sat on my bed and turned the TV on but turned the volume down so I could just about hear it, I needed something to distract me so I don't end up changing my mind and letting him in.

After a while, I got up to make sure he had gone.

I looked through my spy hole and noticed a few of my neighbours surrounding my door talking to someone who's clearly sat on the floor.

"Just fuck off" I heard someone shout.

Oh my god.

I move apartments in a few days time, so hopefully I won't have to see my neighbours ever again.

I opened my apartment door and Colson fell backwards, I looked down at him and smirked and then I turned my attention to my neighbours.

"I am so sorry about this guys, he's a new client of ours and he's extremely high maintenance and a really big pain in my ass if I'm being honest, " I shrugged

"I got this from here, thank you" I started waving them off.

Thankfully they took the hint and didn't stick around.

I looked down at my feet, Colson was still lying backwards on the floor with his hand covering his eyes, holding a bottle of whiskey in the other hand.

"Get up" I started to help him to his feet, he flung his arm over my shoulder and I guided him to my sofa.

"I'll be taking that" I tried to take the bottle of whiskey out of his hand but he quickly moved it out of my reach.

"I don't think so" he laughed

"After the scene you've just caused Infront of my neighbours, I think you've had enough, don't you?"

"Not even close" he muttered.

"You know, It weren't what it looked like"

I ignored him.

"It's not, I mean, me and her, we're not"

I cut him off.

"Whatever, I don't want to hear it and I definitely don't want to be apart of whatever dramatic little media attention seeking game you guys have going on, it's fine, I'm over it, You guys want TMZ to write about you then  that's fine, it's your choice but I don't"

I really wanted to go in on him, but he was too drunk to remember this conversation or to really understand my feelings.

"It's not like that" he pointed the bottle up towards me, gesturing for me to take it from him.

"I'm going to make you a coffee to sober you up a little bit, you need to call someone" I told him.

I walked into the kitchen to boil the kettle, when he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Do you really want me to go?" he purred into my ear, the scent of whiskey filling my nose.

I started having flashbacks of our first night together and I would be lying if I said he didn't make me horny.

"Right here's your drink" I moved from out of his grip.

"Drink it and call someone to come and get you" I smiled at him, he could clearly tell I was a bit flustered.

"I wanna stay, can I stay?"

"No, your fiance will be wondering where you are" I spat.

"Okay, well first of all, Jealously looks good on no one" he paused and gave me a devilish smirk "and secondly, I don't have a fiance, will you please just hear me out? " he begged.

I could tell by the change in his tone of voice, he was getting desperate.

"No, you need to call someone"

"Please, just listen, for fucks sakes"

"Listen to what? You, tell me your not engaged; you and Megan have split up and what I saw the other night was just a misunderstanding?"


"I'm not done! so YOU listen, we barely know each other, that's a given and I don't know why I'm all that much upset by this whole situation but what I do know is that you humiliated me! And you lied to me, you made me feel worthless And you know that this doesn't just end with you, me and Megan, the next minute I'm a home wrecking whore and I don't compare to Megan and I'm recieving death threats... 

I was cut off, he slammed his lips into mine.

"Its not like that" he pressed his forehead against mine and shut his eyes. I could feel my eyes filling up but I was trying my very best to keep it together.

"Please let me stay, we can talk in the morning when I'm sober and if you never want to see me again, I get it, just let me have this night with you"

"No" I couldn't cave.

"Fuck! Why?" he was starting to get frustrated.

"I need to sit down" he announced

"I need to get a drink"

I walked into the kitchen half expecting him to follow me but he didn't.

I made myself a nice cool glass of water and headed back to the living room.

He had passed out on the sofa and his phone was ringing, I recognised the caller ID to be his drummer so I answered it and explained Colsons current situation, not giving away to much of our back ground history either way I told him my address and he agreed to come and get his boss.

Now all I had to do was hope and pray he would stay asleep until Rook got here.

After an hour or so, there was a knock on the door, I looked through the spy hole to make sure it was Rook and it was, it was him and two other guys from the band, I couldn't remember their names.

"Hey" I greeted them as I opened the door.

"Hi" they responded.

"Where is he?" Rook questioned and I motioned for them to come in.

"Wake up! It's time to go" Rook and someone else lifted him up of the sofa and started walking towards the door, once they reached the door, MGK had started to come around and he asked them to let go of him.

They continued walking down the hall. They obviously knew when he wanted privacy.

He grabbed me and kissed me on my forehead and then on my lips.

"You not going to kiss me back?" he questioned.

I didn't answer.

"I'm playing tomorrow night, am I out of my depth asking you to come?"

I nodded my head.

"Well, I can understand that after the last time, once I'm done, I'll be back"

And with that, he started walking away.

"Colson?" I shouted and he stopped and turned around to look at me.

"You know this is the last time you'll ever see me right?"


And with that he left.

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