Chapter 16

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I woke up to the sound of my phone dropping off the bed and on to the floor, i glanced at the alarm clock that was sat on the bedside table that read 10:00am, in a few hours time Colson and Cassie will be here.

I took my medication and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth, as sad as it sounds after not being able to put a tooth brush in my mouth without throwing up for so long, I'll never take freshly brushed teeth for granted ever again.

After I'd showered and got dressed, I put a few loose curls in my hair and headed to the kitchen to make myself and Amy some breakfast.

Amy was still asleep so after I eat my toast I decided to make her breakfast in bed as a thank you for letting me stay, I made pancakes and bacon with maple syrup drizzled over the top followed by a latte and then went to go and wake her up.

I was going to knock the door but because she's not a morning person and I'm leaving shortly, I decided to sneak in her room and quietly put the food down on her bedside table before jumping all over her.

"What the fuck are you doing you ratched mess?" she yelled

I started laughing "Get up, get up, get up, get up" I screamed whilist still jumping on her.

"Fuck off, you fucking psychopath!"

"Come on, get up"

"Nobody loves you!" she screamed

"Rude, I've made you breakfast" at this point I was laughing so much my stomach had started to hurt.

"You eat it and don't forget to choke"

I jumped off the bed, lifted the duvet up and started tickling her feet.

"For fucksakes, I'm up! I'm up!" she threw her pillow at me and then held her hands up in defeat.

"Your breakfast and coffee is next to you" I pointed to her bedside table

"Don't ever fucking tickle me again you cunt" she muttered

"Thanks for the breakfast though" she added

"No, thank you for letting me stay and being the bestest friend in the whole wide world"

"Oh man, I take it your going to America then?"

"Yeah, just for a while, as soon as I'm settled, wanna join me?"

"Won't I be in the way? You need this time with him, alone" she questioned.

"Honestly, he's probably going to be working most of the time and no one knows about me so we can't exactly go out and do things together can we? and you're also missing the point of, we're not even together"

"Yeah you're in a weird place with him aren't you? I think you both need to have a  conversation to just establish some sort of plan going forward especially when it comes to the baby"

"I know, we defo need to speak about the baby and what's going to happen after I give birth but I know what's coming, he's going to want to speak about me and him and i don't know what to say, he seems to go from girl to girl and it never lasts and I don't want to plan a future with someone if their just going to leave me and move on to someone else, especially if he struggles with life in general" I told her.

She gave me a sympathic look "You need to do what's best for you and don't rush into something because I've noticed how intense he is and it's hard to not get wrapped up in it"

"I know" I told her, but truthfully how do you not get wrapped up in it, I love how intense he is, it's the consistency that worries me along with his crazy outbursts oh and the drugs.

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