Chapter 33

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Ashleigh's POV

I woke up to banging on the hotel door and I quickly ran to see who the fuck it was.

Last thing I needed was my son waking up, it was Christmas day and 'Santa' was an hour away from delivering the presents to underneath the Christmas tree according to the alarm clock that sat on the bedside table next to my bed.

I grabbed my dressing gown and rushed to answer it.

It was Liv.

"You need to come, now" she was panicking.

"What's happened?"

"Amber's gone"

Fuck! She chooses her moments!

"Why is Amber gone?"

"I don't know" she responded.

I followed Liv into Colson's suite.

The place was trashed, he had even tore down the Christmas tree and the ornaments were scattered all over the floor along with other various decorations and home decor.

He was knelt down on the floor in the living room area, rocking backwards and forwards, the only thing between his head and the wooden floor was his arms and his hand seemed to be clutching a piece of paper and he was breathing heavy.

I walked over to him and knelt down beside him, I tried to place my hand on his back but he shrugged me off.

I noticed that there was smashed glass underneath him.

"Colson?" I gently cooed.

"You're leaning on glass, we need to move you" he ignored me.

"Colson, what's happened?" he didn't respond.

"Colson, you need to talk to me"

"Ash, can I borrow you for a sec?" Liv asked.

I looked at Colson before I stood up and walked into the kitchen area that was also covered in glass.

"We have a problem, a huge problem" she warned.

"Worse than this?"

"Erm, well I think that depends on which perspective you look at it from" she handed me her phone.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

'A source had reveled that Megan and MGK were having a baby and working on their relationship for the sake of their unborn child'

Obviously the source was Megan.

"THAT CALCULATED BITCH" I whisper shouted.

"What are we going to do?" Liv questioned.

"Damage control"

"First of all we need to sort Colson out, get him back into bed if we have to, Cass can't see him like this, which brings me to the next thing, we need to tidy the place up, what time is it?"


"Shit, we don't have long before the kids wake up so we need to sort this shit out ASAP then I will call PR although they've probably already called me by now my phones just been on silent, fuck sakes, just one day of the year, no drama, that's all I ask"

As I was speaking, Colson had walked into the kitchen area not acknowledging us, his eyes were red and you could see the glistening of tears in and around his eyes, he walked to the cupboard and grabbed a glass that he hadn't managed to smash then he grabbed a bottle of whisky that was sat on the side and tried to take the lid off it, with no avail he grabbed the glass and threw it into the sink, it smashed as it made contact, he then grabbed the bottle and proceeded to head back to his room.

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