Chapter 15

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It had been 2 days since Colson had flew back to America and both him and Cass had been messaging me, Cassie mainly about the weekend and Colson wanted to check I was okay every hour and what I'd eaten etc. He really was trying.

I hadn't told him but yesterday I had popped into the office to see how everyone was getting on, honestly having to stay in bed sounds great at the time until bordom takes over but as I was making my way back to my apartment I swear I was being followed by someone in an old red BMW and then to top it off I had a note pushed through my letter box this morning telling me to 'Leave him alone or else' so now here I am at Amy's trying to work out how to tell Colson and also when to tell Colson.

"I think you should go to America"

"I don't know Amz"

"Well if it was me I would go and I'd take my bestie with me" she held her hands up "Just saying"

I threw a cushion at her.

"My problem is if I do this then is he going to expect me to move there permanently for the baby? Because that's not going to happen, my business is here"

"Your business is anywhere, you can work online" Amy shot back

"OK well my friends are here"

"Then I'll move with you" she shot back again

"What about my apartment?"

"Sell it!!" she screamed "Stop making excuses as to why this isn't going to work, you have the opportunity to start a brand new life, with someone who clearly wants to be with you, you literally have a self made family with someone who is willing to do anything for you, So stop standing in the way of your own potential happiness"

"Fine" was all my stubborn ass could manage

"What are you going to say to MGK about this stalking situation?"

"I don't know, but he's in the studio so I don't want to disturb him or cause him to worry, I don't want to be annoying and make a big deal out of things like this, when it could just be an over obsessed fan" I told her "I really hope not though because I don't want anyone finding out, we've been careful we haven't left the apartment not even to see the doctor" I added

"Yeah but if he's been spotted turning up to your apartment building multiple times then someone was bound to find out" she pointed out.

"I know, this was the main reason I was trying to push him away because as soon as people start finding out shit like this starts to happen, will you come with me to my apartment to collect my things please Amz"

"Of course I will Ambs"

We grabbed our things and headed out to my car. There was barely any traffic on the road which was great because I could easily see if we were being followed or not.

We arrived in the parking lot and quickly walked through the lobby when Henry stopped me explaining that a package had been delivered for me. We stood at the bottom of the lift whilist he went to fetch it.

"What you been buying now?" Amy rolled her eyes

"Amy, I can't remember ordering anything"

"Maybe MGK ordered something for you?" she suggested

"Why?" I questioned and she shrugged.

"He ordered you flowers didnt he?" she pointed out

"Oh shit yeah, I forgot about that" and I started laughing as I imagined the flower guys face as I took them and tossed them over my shoulder onto my apartment floor.

Who's that knocking at 4 in the morning? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora