Chapter 5

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My heart was racing, I felt sick and it had started to rain, I also had zero idea of where I was, which just to make my predicament worse, was great.

After witnessing what I saw, I just mindlessly started walking & walking... I honestly had no words, I was confused and quite frankly I felt ashamed of myself, how nieve was I to think that he was going to offer me some reasonable explanation as to why he just walked out after what we did that night with no note or anything and then to find him with his supposedly 'ex' fiancé not once but TWICE who he told me he had broken up with is just outright a really cunty thing to do.

What a dickhead.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and called Amy.

I had completely forgotten that I had left my friends waiting in the arena. Oops.

After apologising to my friend who wasn't pissed off in the slightest because she thought I was going to fuck, her words not mine, someone in the band, I told her I had mistakenly been given a back stage pass but MGK wasn't there so I left to find her and the rest of the gang, she told me they had gone to a bar so she text me over the address and I booked an Uber.

I could of gone straight back to my hotel but I didn't want to possibly bump into him or her and let's face it, it wouldn't be a suprise if he set that up.

Honestly, I wanted to pack my stuff and leave especially now I know that he knows which room I'm staying in and I refuse to be something he uses in his sick game to make his fiancé jealous. I'm worth more than that and I deserve better than that and the thought of their fans bashing me all over the Internet & social media gave me another level of anxiety.

With that thought, I could feel the lump forming in my throat and my eyes started to fill up luckily the uber pulled up.

I got inside and politely greeted the driver, he confirmed the address of the bar with me and then I sat back and silently let the tears flow down my cheeks.

By the time we had arrived outside my destination, I had already grabbed my compact out of my bag and fixed my make up, nevertheless my hair was soaked so I pretty much looked like a drowned rat but fuck it, I needed a drink and I needed my friends.

As I started to approach the door to the bar, Jess and Skylar came outside to smoke a cigarette.

"Yay!" they both shouted in unison.

"Your here" Skylar wrapped her arms around me

"Can I have one?" I said as I took the lit cigarette from out of Jess' mouth

"What happened to you!" Jess questioned so I began to tell her the same story I told Amy on the phone.

I feel bad for lying but I don't want anyone finding out about this and anyways would they even believe me if I did tell them? Because if someone told me this story I don't think I would.

We finished smoking, we went inside and I was greeted with lots of hellos and hugs from everyone else, I then ordered a vodka and coke and got myself on that dance floor shortly followed by Amy, Hannah, Sky and Jess.

A little while later and the dance floor was jammed, I looked over to notice a huge crowd of people surrounding Amy and someone else I couldn't see so I walked over to her and Iann Dior had his hands wrapped her waist and they were dancing.

It was an overall good night considering how my day had gone.

We drank, we danced and took pictures with Iann Dior and I felt great.

"It's his loss" I muttered to myself and continued to dance.

The next day, I woke up surprising feeling quite good, I was in Amy's room, I must of crashed out there last night.

As I started to get out of bed, I put my foot on the floor and someone screamed.

So I quickly lifted my foot back up and looked down to see who I nearly squished.

"What are you doing, that hurt"

"Jess, why the hell are you on the floor" I started laughing

Then Amy came back in the room hauling what looks to be our suitcases.

"Good morning ladies" she beamed

"It's not a good morning, Ambs nearly killed me" Jess sat up rubbing her head.

"Stop being dramatic" I shot back launching a pillow at her.

Amy started laughing this time too.

"We need to get showered and dressed, we have over slept and we need to check out"

An hour later, we were all sat in McDonald's drinking coffee's and eating breakfast muffins trying to get some food into us before we made our way back home.

I hadn't drank all that much, I'm a light weight, two drinks to everyone else is like 10 to me, so I tend to try and watch what I'm drinking especially when I'm driving the next day, so I had already completely sobered up and couldn't wait to get home.

I dropped everyone off back at their homes and started making my way up to my apartment, conveniently there were more roses outside of my apartment door and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who they were from, so I picked them up along with the note and put them in the bin.

I ran straight into my bedroom and threw myself on my bed, I started thinking about everything that had happened with him and started to sob, I needed this, crying for me is like therapy and I needed to get it out of my system so I could move on.

Apart of me wanted to read the note he had left though but the other part of me knew it wasn't a good idea.

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