Chapter 23

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Amber's POV

I heard everything Amy had said.

Hearing her explain to Colson everything that had happened that night bought back memories that made my skin crawl, I wanted to break down and cry to just get as much of it out of my system as possible but for obvious reasons I couldn't, I was also angered by the situation with Colson and how stupid I was to ever think this could ever work.

Whatever situation we had is now over...

He can sit here all he wants and tell me he's sorry and he's going to make it up to me but they are just words and without changed behaviour they mean a fat lot of fuck all and he's had numerous opportunities to sort his shit out and nothing changes...

After a while of me drifting in and out, I heard my name being called over and over again, someone which I can only hope is a medical professional was lifting up my eye lids, I'm guessing to check to see if I was responsive.

"Have I missed anything?" I heard Colson panic.

"No, you haven't, they are trying to wake her up and you've been gone all of 15 - 20 minutes" a woman's voice responded, it was the same voice I had heard previously, I mean I don't actually know when because time doesn't seem real at the minute but I had definitely heard her.

Its probably his fish tight wearing whore from the photos I remember seeing.

"What did the detective say?" I heard her ask.

"Can we do this later?" Colson snapped.

I needed to block out their voices and focus on waking up!

Come on Amber!

You've got this.

"...Baby, please, come back to me" I heard Colson whisper

As soon as I heard that, anger ripped though me like no tomorrow and although I didn't wake up, I managed to squeeze that bastards hand as hard as possible.

"...Shes squeezing my hand..."

Too right I am you bastard!

"...That's good news?" he questioned.

"...There are many reasons why that could happen so let's not get our hopes up and let's not push it for today, we go again tomorrow..." he was told.

"That's all your going to do?" here he goes.

I squeezed his hand again, really hoping he would let go but his grip got tighter.

"She's just squeezed my hand again"

"Amber, it's Dr Hussain, you've been in an accident, can you hear me?"

I shook my head not realising it was actually moving.

"Amber, that's amazing. Can someone pass me my light" I heard the doctor demand then I felt him lift my eyelids up again.

I moved my head.

I was ready to come back to the world.

"Baby, thank god" Colson said as he kissed my head.

I flung my eyes open and he was kneeling on the floor with his hands in his hair and a woman was crouched next to him with her arms wrapped around him, he was crying.

Is this boy for real?

"Her eyes are open" the doctor announced.

He raced back over to the bed.

The doctor then asked everyone to leave, obviously Colson refused, so he was warned to stay back whilist they ran some tests.

"Mmmy ba..bab..y" I could not get my words out, my mouth felt awful, I needed a drink of water and a good brush of the old teeth.

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