Chapter 22

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Amber's POV

Am I dead?

Is this what death feels like?

Why can't I remember how I died?

Surely I can't be dead?

"... Colson... " I heard a womans voice call out his name.

For fucks sakes, I'm the dead one yet he's haunting me.

Although maybe I'm not dead, maybe I'm dreaming...

I need to wake up.

"... I'm so fucking sorry..." I heard him say

I know I'm pissed off with him but I can't remember why...

Infact, I'm really struggling to get any of my thoughts together at all...

Think Amber, think!

Before I knew it, I had arrived back into the uncontrollable realm of nothingness....

"... Amber is currently in an induced coma..."

What? Who's that? Where am I and what's going on.

Focus Amber, Focus...

"...Amber is lucky to be alive..."

I am?

Ok, why am I lucky to be alive? Come on keep talking I need to know...

I need to concentrate and make sure I don't drift off...

"... Brain damage..."

Oh. My. God.

I don't have brain I?

Maybe I'm already awake? Maybe this is what brain damage feels like, oh shit, I started to panic, how about if this is what it feels to be trapped in your own body.

No.. No.. Someone said induced coma.

I need to try and move or something.

Someone, which I assume is Colson, has my hand, so I need to try and squeeze or just do something...

"...Her not waking up doesn't necessarily mean that she has brain damage though does it?..."

"...No it doesn't..."

Thank fuck for that!

"...What about the baby..."


My baby!

I need to wake up, now!

Wake up!

Wake up!

Come on Amber!

I really tried my hardest to wake up for the sake of my baby but my body just wouldn't do what my brain was telling it to.

...And again, I slipped back into darkness...

I felt hands on my stomach....

"...I'm your daddy, I need you to stay with us, I understand if you hate me, I should of protected you and your mama, but we need you, we love you and if you don't wanna stay for me then stay for your mama and your sister, I promise to never let anything like this happen again, I don't know what's wrong with me. Look I can't promise I won't mess up again but I can promise that I'll spend the rest of my life making up for it and the rest of the dumb shi...erm stuff that I'll probably do..."

Fuck! What the hell happened? I need to think back to the last thing I can remember...

So, I was at a restaurant with Amy, Jess and Hannah?

Who's that knocking at 4 in the morning? Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon