Chapter 31

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"Heyyyaaaaaay" Cassie came bolting through the door with Liv on her tail clearly struggling to keep up.

"Erm, are you guys ok? Dad?" she questioned sounding really concerned, we both got up off the floor, Colson didn't look at her, I don't think he wanted her to see him upset. He told her he was okay and that he would be back in a minute as he was walking to his room.

"Is he okay? Are you okay?" she started to panic.

"Hey, calm down, we are both fine, it's good news actually, I'm all better"

"Really? Yay!" she wraped her arms around me.

"Finally! Does that mean we can go ice skating?"

My face dropped, I wanted to but it wasn't a good idea, I didn't wanna risk being seen.

"I'm only joking" she smirked "Where do you think me and Liv have been?" we turned to Liv who was sat down at the table looking stressed out and I couldn't help but silently laugh.

"Did you have fun baby?" Colsons voice echoed from behind me.

"Yeah, I sure did dad, didn't we Liv?" She turned to Liv who nodded her head in a kind of 'never again' manner which made Colson laugh.

"Anyway, what are we doing for the rest of the day?" Cass added.

"I'm just about to leave darling, I need to go" I told her

"What you mean?" she looked really confused.

I was about to tell her that I had stuff to do when she spoke... Again "I thought you two were ok now because you were all over each other a minute ago... Have you guys broken up? Is this because Megan and dad are having a baby?" It weren't her fault, I understand this whole situation was confusing to her, but when she said about Megan and Colson having a baby, it hurt.

I looked Colson and he didn't say a word, he looked defeated.

"Cass, let's go sit down"

She followed me to the sofa and Colson joined shortly after we had sat down.

"Me and your dad have had a very complicated relationship"

"But you're all good now though right?" she questioned


"because I heard him telling Ash how much he loves you and wants to be with you" oh god.

I gulped and looked over at Colson who was just staring at the floor.

She was too young for this conversation and I wanted this to stop, bad mistake trying to navigate this so I did what anyone else would do in this situation "Did you wanna have a Christmas movie marathon?" I winked.

"Yessss!!" she screamed and Colson seemed to of perked up too, he mouthed a 'thank you' to me.

After rushing around, grabbing blankets, snacks and making sure the blackout curtains were shut, the three of us sat down on the large sofa and let Cassie choose what film she wanted to watch.

I sat next to Colson, but not by choice, he pulled me next to him before Cassie had the chance to sit down.

He pulled the throw over us and wrapped his arm around me, carefully placing his hand on my stomach.

"I need this" he whispered in my ear.

The little voice in my head reminded me that I shouldn't be letting him do this because it's not healthy and it's giving off mixed signals but the truth was plain and simple, I also needed this.

After we watched, what felt like, the whole of the Christmas section on Netflix, we put some Christmas music on and played some board games. Colson even ordered Chinese food.

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