Chapter 27

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I grabbed my laptop, my planner and my pen and headed back to the kitchen, Colson was no where to be seen, he didn't even drink his coffee.

"So Amber, what you got for us?" Jus questioned as I took my original seat.

"Cass arrives tomorrow and I need a Christmas tree and ornaments and decorations and just basically everything and anything Christmassy"  I told him.

"Cool, we can do that" Baze responded.

"Do you have a colour scheme in mind?" Sophie asked.

"Erm not really, I like traditional but you can choose" I instantly regretted saying that as soon as the words left my mouth.

"What else you got?" Slim asked

"Erm, I have Christmas shopping to do but I can do that online I guess, although I don't suppose you can pick me a few more things up?"

They agreed and I felt terrible.

I quickly wrote down what I needed and passed the list to Sophie.

She looked at the list and smiled.

"Anything else?" Rook questioned.

"Could you facetime me when you get the tree please? I wanna help choose"

"Of course we will, put your number in my phone" Sophie requested.

"Thank you all so much for this, I genuinely feel like shit for it" I told them.

"It's cool man" Slim reassured me.

"Right, let's go do this" Jus shouted as he stood up.

They all took it in turns to give me a hug before eventually leaving.

My day went by pretty fast, I hadn't seen Colson all day so I checked in with work and sorted through my emails, I contacted an estate agent about listing my apartment and I managed to sort out my Christmas shopping.

Sophie had also followed through on her promise to face time me so I could pick out a tree.

I was so excited for Cassie's arrival tomorrow, I had planned a fun day of decorating the suite, baking cookies and watching Christmas movies.

Christmas was my favourite time of year, usually me and the gang would book a lodge somewhere in the middle of nowhere with a hot tub and eat lots of shit and play games such as beer pong.

God I miss them.

It's been really awkward since I woke up, although it was probably already awkward long before then, I was just unconscious to witness it but Amy hates Colson and I completely understand why, as much as it was me that was in that accident, she was the one that had to deal with the fallout from it, she was the one I called that night and had to listen to it all play out and she was the one who couldn't go back to her apartment because of me and I need to find a way to make it up to her because she didn't ask for any of this and the last thing I want is to lose my best friend.

I picked up my phone and called her but she didn't answer so I decided to message her instead.


Hey, are you okay?

What are you doing for Christmas?

I really miss you ☹️

I know you're pissed off with me at the minute but I want you to know how sorry I am for bringing you into this mess.

I love you so much xxx

For the next half an hour I checked my phone constantly but she didn't reply and before I had the chance to message her again, Rook, Jus, Baze, Sophie and Slim walked through the door along with three of the security team and two hotel staff carrying bags of decorations and a large tree and a few small ones too.

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