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After steamy love making scene at office....ragini come out from his office room,after make him had his lunch..she feel so happy to be with him and witness his love on her....she walk to her car with his thoughts,suddenly a big motorbike block her way..ragini get scared and shock suddenly..she get angry and scold that rider..

Ragini:Excuse me!!are you blind or what..stupid
He open his helmet and ragini is surprise to see him
Nikhil get down from his bike and go near her...

Sengupta&son Industry
Sahil was feel fresh and get energy back after hot love making with his wife...he think to surprise ragini..he call his pa to handle his work..he left the office after that..sahil come out from office and go to his car which he park at car park...suddenly he saw ragini in there..she was happily and laugh with someone..

Sahil:ragini still in here?and with whom she is talking..
He go near her slowly to see that person face..he find there is a middle aged man with filthy look ..he fumed to see he touch her shoulder while talk to her..he see ragini was so comfortable talk with that person..
Sahil:who are him??and how dare he touch my jaan..
Sahil who can't control to see their bonding..go near them..he stand behind ragini
Sahil:jaan,you still here..
Ragini who was jerk to hear his voice,turn to see and found sahil in there ..
Ragini :Sahil,you here??why you come out from office early..did you need anything??
Sahil:nothing..I'm finish my work early,that why I'm come out..
Ragini:oh okay
Sahil:by the way jaan,who is he??
Ragini:oh sorry I'm forget to introduce him,Sahil meet my best friend nikhil  and nikhil meet my husband Sahil Sengupta
Sahil get shock to hear BEST FRIEND word from her as he know she never tell about her best friend to him..strange??
Nikhi:Hi buddy ,nice to meet you?
Nikhil give his hand to shake but sahil stare his face with fumed and angry..he don't like him..ragini was confused in his sudden reaction ..
Nikhil:hmmm hai sahil
Ragini:sahil,nikhil give his hand to you?
Sahil:ohhh I'm sorry,hi!!
Sahil:how many year you know MY RAGINI!!
He press his word at my ragini possessives to make sure nikhil know his wife for him only..
Nikhil:from college time..
Ragini:nikhil come have lunch at my's so long day we never meet ..why you don't join us in lunch??
Sahil who think nikhil will reject her invitation to his house  but didn't know that nikhil agree easily..
Sahil murmur:how shameless him,Agree easily..
Ragini:sahil ,let's go to home..nikhil you want come with bike or come with us ..
Nikhil think and say:it's okay I'm come with my bike
Ragini:are you sure??
Nikhil:I'm sure ginni
Ragini:yes ,he always call me ginni from college time
Sahil thought "ginni my foot,I'm only have rise to call her with pet name,how dare him??if my jaan not in here ..I will show him hell..
Ragini:sahil ,come
Sahil and ragini go by car while nikhil ride his bike and follow them..
Sahil keep drive silently while ragini see his face continually..
Sahil get irritated with her gaze:why jaan you see me continually,is that anything in my face??
He try to mock her,he feel so angry and disappointed with her..she never try to share with him about her personal matters him become so much worst to her??
Ragini:why you so silent sahil?are you angry with me
Sahil:nothing like that,I had headache ..that's why
Ragini touch his head softly and massage his head with his soft hand make him melt with her caring side..
Ragini:is here you feel pain??
Sahil stare her lovely..he found her worry side in her face..sahil hold her hand and kiss at her palm and say..
Sahil:the pain is gone when you touch my got magic in hand jaan..
Sahil hold her one hand ,keep near his chest while drive..ragini kiss his cheek deeply..sahil smile in that kiss...
Ring ring..ragini phone ringing suddenly..she pick up the phone ..
Ragini:hello nikhil
Sahil fumed hear his name and left her hand from his holding..
Ragini:ohh..okay's not feeling's so important right..complete that work first..we can meet next time..hmm..take care..bye..
She hang up the phone and see up to find sahil see her face blankly..
He ask her by lifted his eyebrows..
Ragini:he got he say ,he need to go..
Sahil who happily dance inside him but outside he show his pity face to her..
Sahil:don't worry jaan,maybe that work so important that's why he go..but if meet him next time confirm we will bring him to home for lunch/dinner..
Ragini:I hope so..
Ragini feel sad with it,to divert her mind..sahil got some naughty ideas..he bring his car to car park at yyy mall..he park his car at a place there no one sees..ragini who realized she at somewhere else and ask him
Ragini:sahil ,why we come want to buy anything??
Sahil with smirk in his lips and say:yes I want ,but not to buy..I want to take it by my own..
Ragini:what???how can take it without buy..
She so confused with his answers..
Sahil:you know that soon..

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