Chapter 30 - Someone New

Start from the beginning

"Loki!" I playfully smack his arm, "I am fully capable of putting my own armor on."

"Yes love, I know, but what type of gentleman would I be if I didn't offer any assistance to a maiden such as you?" He says sarcastically. "Especially since you are still healing somewhat from your injury, hopefully it will be healed completely soon."

"Where's my armor, Loki?" Sif asks,

"Oh, I think the oaf has it... I mean Thor.....over there somewhere" he responds as he waves dismissively toward Thor and never takes his gaze away from me. 

"Are you sure you are to be out here?" he asks and I nod.

"I'm fine Loki...but thanks for your concern" i say, "besides that injury was quite a while ago."

"I will always be concerned for you my dear...but your foot and your side?" he says and runs his hand down my arm.

Sif scowls and walks away muttering something about the kind of gentleman she thinks Loki is. I laugh to myself because Loki either didn't hear her or is pretending that he didn't hear her. Loki offers me his arm, which I accept but wonder what he is up to, he never does stuff like this; especially when we are just walking to the courts.

He's showing off in front of the others especially since we have a new person joining us. But why can I not stop thinking about that kiss?

I can't stop either darling...

I give Loki an odd look because he heard my thoughts and I didn't want him too.

"She and Loki have been friends for a very long time, she trains with us a lot, and she is a gifted Master of Magic, or well on her way to being one of the best in all the realms." Thor says.

"Don't forget about her healing abilities..." Sif says.

"She is the most glorious creature I have ever seen. What else can you tell me about her Thor?" Valdemar swoons as she continues to stare. "Are she and Prince Loki a.... couple?"

"She loves the color purple, flowers, and chocolate. Loves to read, and catches on quickly to any magic and as you will soon see my friend, she is quite the good fighter. She is not courting anyone Valdemar but many man are vying for her hand; or contemplating such. You should ask her to escort you to the Harvest Ball tomorrow night" Thor encourages, and Valdemar agrees with Thor.

"Yes Valdemar, you should ask her to the ball tomorrow night, I do not know of anyone she is attending with..." Sif says with a mischievous smirk; she thinks she is going to find a way to get back at Loki for a bit and him seeing me at the ball with another guy would piss off Loki.

"How can that beauty not have a date?" he says, and Sif tells him that I am very picky about the guys I date as well as just getting out of a relationship with Cedrin.

Loki and I join Thor and Valdemar and we spar.  After awhile we stop, and while Loki and the others are occupied, Valdemar asks me to the Harvest Ball and I accept. I think how nice it is to be asked to attend a ball with someone, or with a date, instead of as a group like I have with Sif and the guys so many times. I make plans to have him pick me up outside of my door tomorrow before the ball begins.  Excusing myself from the rest of the group, I go and get cleaned up and decide to go to the library. 

My mom has been on Alfheim for a while, and I hope she is ok, I miss her.  I know she would be bothered that she is missing the ball, but duty calls and she is dedicated to the throne. I miss her and want to talk with her so badly. But I hope she comes back soon. Wandering to the library, I find a book on spells and sit on the big green couch that I always sit on. Grabbing one of the blankets nearby and covering my legs, I get swept up in reading about spells and their origins and quickly lose track of time. Suddenly I stop when I sense something.  There is a presence I feel, and I know who it is.

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