"About...all yesterday and this," Ba Reum said, the memories quickly flooding in, and he felt the flush travel over his face and chest, while he sat up, pulling the shirt over his genitals, "you barely know me, and I made you do all this work, I'm so sorry, really sorry,"

"You don't have to be sorry. It happens," Hyuk said, "perhaps I should apologize,"

"You?" Ba Reum asked, gaping at the caregiver, "why?"

"Because I took you home with me, without even asking for your consent," Hyuk said, making Ba Reum gape at him.

"I was little," Ba Reum said, hearing a crinkle coming from the item in Hyuk's hand, "I even...I mean, I'm sorry I couldn't keep clean. Normally I do,"

"It's okay," Hyuk repeated again, grateful that he had put the blanket over the dirty sheets, "I had some diapers around, so nothing got messy,"

"I guess it's okay than," Ba Reum said, and Hyuk nodded.

"I washed your clothes," the man said, and Ba Reum breathed a sigh of relief, not being fond of being half naked.

Hyuk helped Ba Reum of the changing pad, the little relieved when the shirt automatically covered him. And soon he was sitting at the table, drinking weak coffee while dressed in his school jogging.

"About all of yesterday, I hope you can forgive me. I know I'm high maintenance and to have it sprung on you so unexpectedly," Ba Reum said again, but the caregiver just waved it away.

"Yesterday was simply lovely. I wished the agency had paired us up together, so I could have enjoyed this much earlier," Hyuk said, making Ba Reum blink at him, dumbfounded.

"What?" he asked slowly, making Hyuk smile and pat his hands.

"I am a caregiver who adores being with babies," Hyuk said, staring at Ba Reum and noticing the flush on his cheek.

"I'm not a baby," the little said, too fast to be believable, unable to look Hyuk in the eye while he quickly took a sip from his coffee, trying to not grimace at the watered-down taste.

"I don't know," Hyuk said, "did you ever take the official test?"

"What, of course not, I know my headspace," Ba Reum said, "besides, even if you'd like babies, I'm too much work,"

"I didn't think you were too much work," Hyuk said, licking his lips nervously, "in fact, I would love to do this all over again,"

Ba Reum stared at him, stared at him for a long time. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, wondering if he had gone over some kind of boundary, but at the same time knowing that it was Ba Reum that had difficulty accepting a part of him.

The little might not have said it, but it was clear he was a baby, or a young toddler at best. Something caused him to deny it, the same something probably that caused him to be so afraid.

"Unless, of course, you already have a caregiver lucky enough to have you," Hyuk added, thinking that there might be someone else perhaps.

"No, I don't have one," Ba Reum said, "I mean, the agency tried, but...it didn't...it was bad,"

"Oh," Hyuk said, but all he received was a nod from Ba Reum, who still looked flustered.

"You really didn't mind yesterday?" Ba Reum asked, and Hyuk shook his head.

"I loved it. You were adorable," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum still looked as if Hyuk had grown an extra head, "I would love it if you would give me a chance,"

"I..." Ba Reum said, hesitating. This was a part of him he hated a part of him he normally kept hidden as good as he could, knowing that it was distasteful and that his neediness would soon put people off.

Little Ba Reum AU - The roads not takenWhere stories live. Discover now