I reached out as if to grab him. Heal him. But my efforts were pointless.

I could feel Qibli's thoughts trying to override this vision with his own ways of death. But none were as clear and sure as this vision.

I screamed again and again as I watched Qibli slowly and painfully die.

"Let me get to him! Get to him!" I screamed to myself.

And then something else took my vision.

It was Qibli's vision. His imagination. I could still vaguely see the horrid vision from before.

Qibli's vision was me and him together in a field. Laying peacefully on the flowers surrounding us.

We both looked older, more mature. When a little girl and boy came into view. The girl had long blomde hair like Qibli, but stunning green eyes. The boy had short black hair with brown eyes. They were both tan like Qibli.

It was peaceful perfect. The kids were clearly my own and Qibli's. It was something from a dream. The boy sat in my lap and the girl did cartwheels infront of us.

I loved this vision. And then it ended. And I found myself back in the present.

Qibli's most likely future was death. I had to find a way to prevent that.

"Qibli, I love your vision. That image was perfect. But I have to go into the world of screaming. I have to." I told him.

"Why? Why are you tormenting yourself?" he asked quietly. "It's not me. It's the future. I'm seeing glimpses of possible futures! And I need to figure out how to..." I trailed off at the end.

But Qibli's no idiot.

I am going to die. And you want to keep me alive.

I nodded slowly. He put his hand on my face. I looked back at the visions.

It was like a road to me. Each pathway I follow leads to a destination. The pathway directly ahead was clear and detailed.

The pathways far away were faint and spotty. Bug possible.

I watched the faint ones. Today Qibli would go and hide in a tree while shooting arrows and spears. No one would find him. But if he were to breathe to fast, climb the wrong tree, it could all go wrong.

After hours of searching I gave Qibli the game plan.

"Come home to me Qibli. Don't die out there please." I whispered. He smiled.

Qibli filled his head with the image from before, with the field and our kids. "I want this. I will get here." he replied.

I smiled and gave him a small kiss. "I love you." he murmured. "I love you too." I answered.

The faint vision was becoming clearer as Qibli remembered what to do and how to do it.

I found that we would win this battle regardless of Qibli's life or death.

I stood about 100 yards infront of our base. I couldn't physically hear the battle. But mentally it was causing a headache.

I reached out as far as I could for Qibli or Kinakjou or anyone else. I could get glimpses of Kinkajou's thoughts.

But my most reliable source was my newer talent. So I watched the most likely outcome.

With every moment it got clearer and clearer. And at one point it was so clear it felt real. And then it was real. The moment had passed.

And the reality was. Qibli was dead.

I broke out of my vision immediately. My grip on the sword in my hand was tight. I could feel splinters cutting into my palm.

The battle was over. Qibli being their last kill.

The Skywings retreated quickly. Luckily, I didn't see him die. My vision just blacked out. But I did see him laying on the ground next to many other deseased soldiers.

And I was running. Running as fast as humanly possible.

Before long I was in the clearing where they fought. And Qibli's thoughts were silent.

He's dead. Any last hopes of him living were gone.
I would have heard his thoughts.

I ran around the whole clearing trying to find him. But he was somewhere else.

My knees let out and I crumpled to the floor.

I curled into a ball and screamed and cried. The pain that overwhelmed my entire being hurt more than any pain I had ever fathomed.

I clutched my stomach as if to keep it all in. I squeezed my eyes shut and let out an animal sounding wail.

I screamed his name as if he would run out of the woods and hold me.

I looked into the future and saw no Qibli. I could see myself smilinv and laughing, but with no one.

I was alone in the futures I saw of myself.

I was so caught up in grief and visions that I didn't notice someone holding me.

I screamed again. "He's gone!" I screeched.

Every fiber of my being was filled with this horrible electric feeling that made me want to die.

I was laying in a field of dead people. Somewhere jn this field, Qibli layed motionless. His eyes never to calculate everything around him again.

His smile to never grin at me. His lips to never be warm against mine. His thoughts never to utter another word.

A new wave of violent pain took over me.

"Moon! MOON!" someone screamed. But I kept cluthcing my stomach, screaming, wailing, sobbing, etc.

"Kill me." I muttered. "Get rid of this pain!" I screamed. Warm hands shook me violently.

"Moon wake up! Open your eyes! Look at me Moon!" the person screamed.

I continued to sob and scream.

Qibli was dead.

Prince Qibli of the Sandwings, eighteen year old Qibli, my love. Was dead. And I let out the most pain filled scream I could.

I felt hands on my face wiping off my tears.

"Moon, please look at me!" the shouted. So finally I did.

Who was holding Moon? How will she go one without Qibli? Find out in the next chapter! Have a good day. 1548 words.

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