So Close Yet So Far

166 4 21

- Moon

Life really sucks right now. More than it has for the past month or so. Let me tell you what happened.

I'm passed out in the bloody chair. Cobra whipped me. And I finally got to pass out.

I was enjoying no pain when thoughts woke me up. Loud thoughts. Familiar ones.

At first I thought it was just Cobra or her gang coming back to torture me again. It was a Sandwings thoughts. You could tell by the slight accent.

Moon if you're near and can hear me, just know that I'm sorry. I love you so much. I don't know where else to look. I have gone deep into Skywing territory and to the bottom of an old volcano.

Just hold on for me. Don't give up on life. Stay alive. I won't give up either. I will find you.

My heart stopped. Qibli.

He was in range. I could hear him. He's close. My heart pumped as I listened.

I watched the world through his eyes. He was crying.

The strong horrible depressed emotions radiating off of him was almost too much to bear.

And then he saw me?

It was a fake me obviously. I had one guess, but I was too busy watching to care too much. Qibli believed it was me though.

Its a trap! RUN QIBLI! RUN!

My internal thoughts were not audible to him though.

Qibli felt relief wash through him so strong it was like a tsunami washing away drowning people.

And then I was stabbed. My heart panged as Qibli's did.

His whole world came crashing down. He fell to his knees and crawled to me. I had a feeling he was thinking direct thoughts but I was too overwhelmed by emotions to hear him.

Picking up the fake me's head he sobbed. Tears welled in my eyes.

We were so close yet so far.

The amount of emotional pain he was in right now was unbelievable. The constant searching just to have me murdered infront of his eyes.

And it all clicked.

Cobra was giving up on me helping. She would crush Qibli knowing he should go into battle next week. He will be so distracted that he won't be able to think let alone fight well.

His future was now death as well.

She would either kill me here. Or drop me in battle to watch him die. Most likely the latter.

I screamed.

"QIBLI! IM HERE! QIBLI!" I screamed as loud as I could. He could physically hear me. Except he was too deep into his sobs to really react.

Tears flowed from my eyes.

"Qibli! Stop it you're going to get yourself killed!" I screeched. "NO! You-! QIBLI PLEASE!" I screamed. I was in a dark room no idea exactly how close he was.

But he was close enough that it wasn't hopeless. After who knows how long he finally stood up and starting walking.

Tears still flowed from his eyes and his steps were shaky but he managed. I continued to scream.

He still didn't react to the horrifying screams. Cobra and her family had this friend Jerboa who lived alone in the Rainforest.

Jerboa allowed me to stay here while Cobra and the rest stayed nearby. Jerboa was as evil as Cobra.

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