Alternate Ending

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Author's Note;
This was one of the outcomes I had in mind when in early development of this story, but one I decided not to go with.


I nervously placed the brooch on her, as it glowed bright blue. I got hopeful for a second, till Dusuu appeared. "Miss Natalie! So good to see you again! Why are you sad?"

Nothing happened to Emilie, she was still unconscious. I can't have failed.

"I thought by fixing the jewel, it would fix her..." I said, Dusuu looked confused then turned to look at Emilie, "Don't be upset, since you have fixed the miraculous, it's now more powerful than ever, it has given me the strength to heal her, because you placed the mended jewel on her." They said, as I rejoiced.

"How does it work?" I asked curiously, Dusuu began to spin in the air as the brooch glowed brighter and brighter, they then stopped and spat out a trail of glowing blue saliva onto Emilie which glowed onto her skin and sunk in.

"That should do it, see as she's only in a comatose state. It should repair the damaged to her organs, Kwami saliva is pretty powerful," Dussu said as we watched the rest of the saliva completely sink in.

Emilie began to stir, as her eyes then bolted open as she breathed hard.

"Emilie! Oh I've missed you!" I exclaimed as Emilie looked at her surroundings confused. "Natalie....what is going on...why am I in here..?" Emilie said as I helped her out of the coffin, "it's a long story, there's a lot I need to tell you," I said as Emilie nodded, "last thing I remember is, being in bed and Gabriel watching over me, then I just blacked out from there," she said wobbling on her legs, as I helped support her.

We walked to the elevator and got in, getting back up. I told her everything from Gabriel being abusive to Adrien to him terrorising the city, wanting to seize the miraculous to make a wish, to bring her back, Emilie was beyond horrified by all this, "what?! Oh my god....I didn't think Gabriel would go that far...Adrien had to suffer for over a year and now even worse." She said looking like she wanted to kill her husband.

"Where's Adrien, where's my baby?! I need to get to my baby," she added almost shaking. Then we heard screaming, coming from the halls;

"Aaahhh!!!! Stop it! Stop it!!! Aahhh!"

"Shut up! I do as I please, I'm getting my moneys worth!"

"Don't disappoint this client Adrien, there will be severe punishment!"

That last line sounded like Gabriel as Emilie felt her blood boil, 'What in God's name is happening to my son?!' We rushed over to the hall way, seeing a group of police outside trying to break in.

"What's happening?" She asked, looking out the window seeing all the police outside. "It seems that Felix's plan on exposing Gabriel has worked, looks like the whole world knows about him now," I said, then we heard a scream, coming from the hallways. We immediately darted over and heard it coming from the door at the far end.

Third person
Emilie wasted no time in kicking it open, to only see a horrifying sight. There laid Adrien naked and spread out on the bed, with bruises and lashing marks on his skin, on the left stood Gabriel with a video camera filming it all whilst scolding Adrien for screaming and last of all the perverted stranger towered over him, as he pounded into the small teen below him, slapping his behind.

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