18: I Live For The Applause

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Time skip...
Back at the mansion

I was dumped back on the bed, as father stood above me smirking as he counted up the money. I shook for several minutes, it wasn't even over yet. I was due to be taken down again for another client, father then put the money away into his pocket, "right then, this next client will be here in an hour so let's get you prepped and don't even think about fighting me, it'll only make your punishment worse," he said and began to roughly wipe me down before changing the lingerie again.

Once he done prepping me, I was taken down to the same room and immobilised onto the bed, spread out and left vulnerable. He then began getting out all the items, laying them out on a table, he then leaves me for about 15 minutes till coming back in with a stranger who looked at me in a perverted way.

"He's all yours." As they give the money to Father who counted it up and left the room, leaving me with this creep.

Two hours later....

I panted hard, as I was trying to recover from the pain inflicted. I think I bled. The stranger zipped up his pants in satisfaction and left the room, a minute later father came back in with more money in his hand. "It seems I was able to make twice the amount, all thanks to you..." he said putting the money in his pocket.

He then noticed the patch of blood on the bed, "oh look at that, looks like your body reached its limit, but I'm sure it'll adapt soon," he added and undid the bindings, wrapping me up in the same sheet and took me back to my room, where I was dumped onto my bed.

"Get washed up and come downstairs to my office once your done." He said, I nodded in fear as he left.

"Kid, don't go down instead escape," Plagg said coming out of hiding. "I can't do that, he'll search and soon be able to track me down." I said, plagg sighed and hugged my cheek.

"I'm just so worried about you kid, your getting close to breaking point. Can't let him break you like he did your mother.." he responded, he was right but it's very hard to resist not breaking.

I headed into the bathroom and switched on the shower, the water felt warm which was nice. Had some peace in here but it would only be temporary.

I stepped out of the bathroom, got dressed and headed downstairs. "Don't go in there kid, please don't." Plagg whispered, "I'm sorry Plagg but I haven't got a choice. Besides you should just go hide before someone sees you." I said seeing him fly off.

I took a deep breathe and approached the office door. "Come in." I heard father say from inside as I opened the door and closed it behind me.

"Sit down now." He said pulling up a chair, which I sat down into, as he then called someone in. A man in a white coat, carrying a metal case in hand.

"Their right here, he's ready," father said as the man opened up the metal case revealing a giant needle, my heart began to race. What an earth is father doing now?!

"Be sure that he's immobilised, unfortunately he'll have to be awake for this procedure." He said as father took out some cord and tied me down, "what is going on??" I said panicked, as he finished tying down my wrists to the arms of the chair.

"I made a deal this man, who will pay me about half if I give him some of well, your bone marrow," father said as he smirked.

"Their folks are paying me about 50,000 euros for this and we agreed that I'll give you half," the man said putting on his gloves. Father nodded, "of course doc, half as discussed."

From then on father pulled up my shirt, as the doctor sterilised the area. "Please don't do this.." I cried as father slapped me, "silence!" The doctor then proceeded to prepare the needle.

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