13: Falling into Place

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Third person
After receiving the latest piece of evidence, Nino's stomach turned with disgust as he saw the video of what Gabriel was doing to his best friend. 'How can a parent do that to their own child? Yet alone his own son,' he thought and added to the video onto the flash drive which he named; Proof Of the Monster. He then went on the review the other footage, which was photos of the items that were used on his poor friend, along with the contents of one cupboard and the drugs used to sedate him. It all had his blood boiling, if Nino could he'd go over there and rip Gabriel apart in a brutal way, a way that would probably have him landed in prison but it be worth it.

'He's gonna pay for what he did, I'll make sure of it. But for now I'll be patient and allow more proof to surface. The more evidence, the better.' He thought and took out the flash drive and placed it in his desk drawer.

I had just finished forwarding the rest of the latest evidence to Nino, I could relax a little knowing that the evidence will be backed up but there's always a chance that uncle can discover I know about everything going on and god knows, he'd threaten me and quite possibly take away anything I can use to gather evidence.

To kill some time, I did some school work which was online during my stay here. Just as I was in the middle of writing up an answer for my English poetry assignment, I began hearing some muffled sounds coming from across the hall. I got up from the desk with my phone in hand, and tip toed across to the room where the sound was coming from.

I pressed my ear against the wall, trying to make out the dialogue between the muffled sounds, whilst having my phone on record in case of anything.

'Now, now I told you. You must do as I ask you or otherwise there will be serious consequences..is that really what you want? Huh Chole? Let me tell you that I can make your life hell in an instant. If you value your reputation, you will do as I ask.'

He laughed wickedly after saying that, then again after hearing Chole's response which sounded very muffled so I couldn't quite get it on record.

'I can break you like a twig, just so you know. It'll be easy, I can make you suffer such pain, that not an ounce of therapy can treat it now if you excuse me, I must go and teach my ungrateful son, a lesson. And I expect you to be back with new clients by the end of tomorrow.'

I quickly tip toed away from the room and back into my own. With shaky hands, I quickly forwarded the evidence to Nino. It took a while to send but once it did, I sighed in relief. Now time to warn Adrien, let's just hope I'm not too late. I speed walked into his room, seeing Adrien at his desk fiddling with his pencil. As soon as he saw me, he almost jumped.

"Felix! Don't you ever knock?"

"I'm sorry dear cousin, but right now I need to warn you about something. It's about your father, he...plans on coming on over to your room and well it's not good," I said blurting it out all at once, bad idea now he'll freak out.

"What...I'm not safe here...I need to get out! I'm not safe!" He panicked as I hugged him tight, reassuring him.

Footsteps approached the door, as we quickly went over to Adrien's desk and sat down, just in time uncle comes in with a stern look. "Felix, what are you doing here?"

"What does it look like, I'm helping Adrien with his math homework uncle," I responded,  seeing him raise an eyebrow. "Adrien can figure it out on his own, he's an Agreste after all." Then added, "besides can you leave us for a moment, I need to have a talk with my son." Then seeing his bodyguard come into the room, looks like I don't stand a chance but in case I'll still try to stay near by.

Then his bodyguard grabs me by the arm, and forces me out of the room, form the corner of my eye, I saw the instant fear in Adrien's face, god knows what will happen to him now.

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