9: Akumatizations and Newly Found Evidence

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Third Person
The morning sun rises, as Adrien groaned awake. Today was also going to be rather eventful but with endless photoshoots. Just as he was leaving Felix came out of his room still looking a little shaken up from the events that took place yesterday. He watched as Adrien left the mansion, thinking to himself; 'maybe I can somehow meet his friend today and discuss ideas on how we can take Gabriel down,' he thought as he went back into his room.

The pills he took yesterday from Adrien's room, were in a small plastic zip lock bag. Using his mini testing kit, Felix was able to identify the pills. Well two different pills, it turns out Gabriel was making Adrien take two very powerful sedatives. The first one is a sleeping pill and the second one is a muscle relaxing pill. "This explains why cousin was so weak and couldn't fight back.." Felix said quietly to himself as he jotted down the results in his note book and put away his mini testing kit before Natalie came in and told him that breakfast is ready.

'Almost there cousin, almost there,' he thought as he joined his mother in the dining room.

Meanwhile during school......

Nino watched with concern as Adrien entered the classroom. 'Man it's sad...but his old man is going to pay for what he did to him,' he thought as Adrien sat next to him, quietly hissing in pain as he sat down. "Hey dude, is everything ok?" Adrien shook his head in response, "Hi Nino, everything is fine thanks." Then class began, as Miss Bustier yapped on about William Shakespeare for the next hour and a half, until lunch time came.

"Remember class to get those essays done on Macbeth by Thursday this week. Any late or incomplete will be facing an after school detention. Class is dismissed," she said as everyone exited the classroom, "oh Adrien, can you stay. I need to speak with you," she added. Adrien finished packing up his bag and remained at his desk, being approached by Miss Bustier.

"What did you want to speak with me about, miss?" He asked, folding his arms nervously being reassured by her, "don't worry Adrien, your not in trouble. I have just been noticing a change in your behaviour lately in class, if you don't mind me asking, is everything alright at home?" She said softly but in Adrien's mind his heart raced, if he was to open his mouth, his father would kill him and the pain he inflicts on him will be far worse. Or he could end up an orphan in foster care with no family whatsoever.

"Oh um, I appreciate the concern miss but everything is alright. It's just been some very stressful weeks with the photoshoots for my fathers new clothing lines and well he's very demanding so I have to do as he tells me," he said which Miss Bustier was some what convinced by knowing that Adrien's father can be controlling and demanding with tasks he sets his son. "Well ok, but remember to remind your father that you need some free time to do your school work and the homework I set. Understood?" She said folding her arms, Adrien nodded in response as he picked up his bag.

"Yes Miss, I understand." He responded

"Well then, off you go," she said dismissing him as Adrien left and went to lunch. Nino waited outside the classroom, seeing Adrien exit he approached him asking; "hey dude, want to have lunch at the park?" Adrien smiled gently before saying "I would like to but my father will want me home for lunch. You know how he is." Nino looked rather disappointed but understood why Adrien had to obey his father's orders. "Ok dude, perhaps another time. See you later in science." He said seeing Adrien get into the car that was waiting for him and drove off.

"Adrien, your lunch is on the table," Natalie said after Adrien came through the front door. "Thanks Natalie." He entered the dining room being presented with a plate that had one small salad with the same vinaigrette dressing. 'Well this looks depressing,' he thought as he sat down and ate his lunch, he felt hungry after but was too afraid to ask his father for more food so he sighed and went up to his room to reorganise his bag.

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