7: Discovery and Plotting

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Time skip.....

It was the next morning and Adrien was rudely awoken by his father, telling him to be ready for the long day ahead. First he'll go to school, then do a three hour photoshoot and finally come back home and do his homework. Little did he know, Felix would be watching his every move.

I really don't want to do that photoshoot, My body feels so sore that I don't know how much longer I can stand for. It just never ends, and now with Felix here, he's probably going to figure out what's going on and chances are I'll end up in foster care and to be honest I don't want that at all.

"Hey Dude, wanna come round mine and play video games?" Nino asked

"I would like to but um I have a photoshoot and well you know how my father is with these things," I said in response seeing the disappointment in his face, "oh it's ok dude, I understand perhaps another time." I nodded in response and went to the car that was waiting for me. Which drove all the way to the photoshoot venue.

I was greeted by the photographer and soon whisked away to the dressing room by the makeup artists.

Third person
Watching from a far, stood Felix eyeing his cousin's every move, seeing the way he would limp and quietly hiss was enough to tell him, he was in pain. "Why are you in pain cousin?" He said quietly to himself as he continued to watch, seeing Adrien then leaning against a wall for another pose then being dismissed seeing Adrien nervously fidgeting his hands, "sudden nervous ticks? Why is that?" He said to himself still remaining quiet.

He continued to watch as he got closer, and watched as Adrien entered a trailer. He watch through the windows seeing Adrien on the phone, who was he talking to? But anyways, after about a minute he hung up and dropped his phone as it landed on the floor in a thud. He then fell to his knees, and began to completely break down. All of a sudden he witnesses his cousin having a full blown panic attack, 'who ever he was talking to must have said something to make him freak out like that,' he thought as he continued to watch.

I'm freaking out, "not again, not again, not again!" I cried as Plagg tried to calm me down, "kid you need to take a deep breath, just.."get cut off. "I don't wanna be touched again, I don't want to!" I cried, breathing faster and faster. "Adrien, listen to me. You need to quieten down, people are going to hear you."

He was right, any louder someone can just walk in and see us, giving away my identity.

Wait! Hold up a second...Adrien is Chat Noir!?! Well this changes everything, but don't worry cousin, your secret is safe with me.

Third person
After having a panic attack, Adrien got himself together and exited the venue. As soon as he arrived home, he went to his room and saw a small bag and next to it a note. He picked it up with shaky hands as it said;

It has come to my attention that they seem to be getting a bit board of the plain stuff. So they requested that you put this on and be sure to wash too. And as always, take them or I won't let you see your friends again.
Mark. My. Words.

His hands shook even more, then saw on his desk a small cup containing pills along with a glass of water. "Oh my god, it's actually happening..." he said then goes to the bathroom and showers. Whilst he was having a shower, Felix snuck in and took pictures of the pills and water at the desk and then looked into the bag, seeing it was well two items.

The first one was a pair of black fluffy handcuffs and the other a matching black thong. He took pictures of both these items and quickly placed them back into the bag. 'Uncle is beyond sick! Who in their right mind gives that to an under age minor yet alone his own son!' He exited the room quietly and went downstairs.

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