8: Action and Eventful Events

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Four hours later....

After the traumatising events that took place, Adrien was dumped back on his bed by his father and finally left alone. He was shaking and crying as he curled up and cried into his hands. His Kwami Plagg came out of hiding with his ring in his hands. "Kid, are you alright? Are you ok? Your not hurt are you?"

"I'm ok plagg, really it's.....just too much! I don't think I can take this any further, it just won't end," he sobbed as Plagg placed the ring by his face and hugged his owner's cheek, "you can't let him break you, chat noir wouldn't let anyone break him the matter what they did to him." He said and hugged his cheek tighter.

This is great. I was able to make more than I thought about €2100 from two customers! Although it's not enough to pay off the company debt but hopefully in the next session I'll make double or triple the amount. As for well Adrien, if he thinks he'll be out of here and free by the time he finishes school, he's clearly mistaken. He won't be going to college or university, but instead will be enrolled for online college.

I'll make sure he stays here where I can monitor him and continue to make money off of him. Besides soon enough I'll make it clear to Adrien that he obeys me and only me. And if anyone tries to stop me, I'll make sure to ruin their lives and make them wish they never challenged me. And just so Adrien doesn't try to escape, I'll have security cameras installed in every room, every corner and blind spot, along with motion sensors and alarms if he tries to escape.

Once Emilie is awoken, it'll all be worth it. We'll be together once again.

A few hours later at Natalie's place....

I finally have everything I need to fix the broken miraculous, now it's just a matter of carefully weighing out the ingredients to match the formula. I read the translation of the directions carefully, and placed each element in the order it calls. After placing the feather fluff, a blue puff of smoke occurs and then dies down, seeing the liquid in the flask become golden.

'Three drops, shall heal the broken wings' I read as I got it in a pipette and carefully released three gold drops. After the third drop, I put down the pipette and watched as the liquid flowed into the cracks and began to glow, I stood back and shielded my eyes, seeing the miraculous go into the air and then three seconds later, fall back down and landed into my hands.

I checked it, to see if it had worked and it did as I held it up, "perfect, good as new." I said to myself and placed it into a small box, 'don't worry Adrien, soon this hell will end,' I thought, placing the box into my drawer.

Now it just having to figure out, how to get to Emilie without Gabriel knowing.

I laid there in bed, couldn't relax. Can't stop thinking about what could be happening to Adrien right now. I just hope he's ok and still in good health, knowing from what he's going through, he can get very sick. A part of me felt reassured as Felix and I are now working together on a plan that will hopefully free Adrien from the abuse his father is inflicting on him. I just know that after Gabriel goes to prison, I'll get my parents to adopt Adrien.

One way or another Adrien will be free. And I'll make sure he lives with me and my family. We'll give him the family he needs and deserves to have. Chloe on the other hand has been awfully quiet lately, and she won't say why. This new behaviour surprised everyone at our school, as Chloe is usually known to be quiet mouthy and demanding.

After that phone call, I was left shaking, it was from Adrien's dad. He must have found out from that man I had called the police on. He was apparently bailed out just days later, and told Gabriel everything that happened and of course ratted me out which lead to me getting a rather threatening call.

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