Chapter 3

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         "Wow...I heard about this place. I honestly forgot all about it!" Tanya remembered.

     "Up ahead is a cabin that my dad used to sleep at when he was here...And on the left hand side is the office which includes a nursing station, a small of office corridor that belongs to the head of the camp...well that did belong to him...and a small waiting room for campers to sit in when they are waiting for their parents to come and pick them up..." Marvin explained.

     The place was very damp. I wonder if it rained....wait..Has it always been like this? I don't know. Maybe I was just unaware of the forecast before I came here. Wait I did check the weather but...did it even say if there was rain or not?

     "Aright! Let's go into the cabin!" Everyone else but me walked towards the door of the cabin that was suspended off the ground with wooden posts that was just a foot off the ground. The reason why I wasn't coming in was because there was something that grabbed my attention...It saw something moving from the distance. I squinted..."Robin?" Marvin asked. "Hold on.." I said.

     I looked closely and out in the distance looked like some black shadowy figures struggling through water. There was a lake that was at the edge of the land. There was white fog on top of it and it sounded like the people were making noises like "AARRRRHHH AAAAARRRHH UUHHHHHH ARRRRRHHHH AAAAARRHHHHH..."

     And then I blinked and they all of a sudden vanished. "Was that my imagination?" I asked myself. Or maybe it was because I had a lack of sleep last night. I was on social media a lot and in fact, I am way too addicted to it. I get too spun up about things I read and seeing people's posts on there. Maybe I am just going insane...

"Inside this cabin, my dad used to sleep in here with his friends..." Marvin told. "We often sit out here on the deck when we eat snacks and tell spooky stories.."

The deck we walked onto wasn't too big and wasn't too small. It was just enough for at least 8 people to be on.

We entered the cabin and to Marvin's surprise, there weren't any bunk beds!! They were all gone!! "What?! What happened?" He asked, in complete shock. The only things that were there was a cardboard box, a white metal folding chair and a camera with a screen on the wall. There was also a tape player too. "Well we did used to watch movies here but what is actually going on here?" He questioned. "Maybe the place is under renovation?" I opened up. "Robin...Why would this place be renovated right now? It is completely closed off!! My dad knew the head of the camp...Wait, why was I not informed about any of this?" He asked. "Did you ever look on the camp's website? Maybe you could search up some information on there and see what is up.." I suggested. "The camp never had a website to begin with Robin. So how are we going to know?" Marvin said. "I don't know what to say...this is the most weirdest place I have ever been to....." I stated, looking at the box out of curiosity. "Say, what is in that box? Want to check it out?"

    "Um..Sure I guess," Marvin let out.

I went over to the brown box and on top of it was a piece of paper that taped to the box. It had words on it that said, "To anyone who has came this far, run away when you have the chance before it is too late..."

I thought this was some sort of prank at first....I ripped the piece of paper from the box and shredded it....I then threw the pieces in the air and the came down like snowflakes. "Nobody is stopping us.." I chuckled.

I preceded to open the box and inside it was five tapes...they were all stacked neatly..."Tapes? What is this? Maybe this was just the tapes for the VCR...movies specifically.." Marvin mentioned. But what really caught our attention was the fact that their was an addition note that was also inside the box too. "Another one?" I blurted out, rolling my eyes. "Yes..ANOTHER ONE.." Marvin said sarcastically, being dramatic.

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