Melissa spoke again. "So, I have mostly seen you roaming around by yourself. No one's been interesting enough to be your friend?"

Rose squinted her eyes at that sentence as Melissa gave a playful smile, shrugging.

"I just don't like people." Rose said for a matter of fact before she downed the rest of her drink.

Melissa blinked her eyes at the other's nonchalant answer as she burst out in laughter which caused the orange head to laugh too.

"Just to let you know, I am a person too." Melissa smiled up at the other as she refilled her glass again following Rose who was half way through her second one.

"Yes. But you are not like everyone else." Sensing the other's voice dropping by a tone or two, Melissa carefully scrutinized other's expression. Even in the dim lights the lust and something more stronger than lust shining in Rose's eyes couldn't go unnoticed.

She was not sure if the other was letting her know what she exactly felt or was just not aware of what was visible in her eyes herself. Either way something pulled the curly head closer to the other's body, as the gap between them reduced to a mere inch.

One slip and they would kiss. That's how close they stood. Surprisngly neither of them were taken aback by the sudden absence of space between them. They got comfortable in each other's personal space as they continued to share their interests.

Even though either of them did not find much in common except for their favorite artist being Rihanne and favorite outdoor thing to do being zip lining, neither of them felt the conversations were too forced or dull.

They felt safe expressing and talking about their own likes and dislikes. Respect for each other's thoughts was visible through the gestures as they both stopped doing whatever they were doing just to pay attention to other's words and how their expressions would change with every single thing they spoke about or how many feelings fleeted through their eyes.

They had stopped with just two drinks each to keep themselves steady and aware of their actions.

No, definitely not because they wanted to be cautious of not wanting to slip and cross the line. In fact, both minds were filled with only one thought.

To kiss and pull the other flush against their bodies. And in order to remember every single detail and to not have any external influence to be the part of it, they had walked away from the bar, merging into the swaying bodies on the dance floor.

They had lost the track of time as they were so indulged in each other's talks that by the time they had hit the dance floor it was close to twelve in the midnight.

Both swayed and moved their hips according to the beats, twirled around in slow motion as they moved their own hands over themselves, all while keeping their eyes on each other.

The desire burned through their body yet they somehow did not want to give in just yet as Melissa smiled slyly before going down and slowly coming up against the other's body as she dragged her palms from the edge of her ankle, over her calves and squeezing her ass before moving her hand to quickly pull the other's head from the back which bought a sloppy smile over Rose's lips as she closed her eyes, enjoying the other's moves.

Just as she was about to grab the dark girl's hips, the hands roaming over her, disappeared altogether. Looking in front she saw Melissa facing away from her dancing to herself.

Rose looked down, biting her lips to stop the over coming smile as she shook her head at how well the other had just riled her up and how much she liked it.

She was about to pull the girl against her before she saw another girl talking to Melissa.

"Can I have a dance with you?" Rose didn't like the way the girl's eyes roamed all over the other's body and before Melissa could reply something, she moved quickly.

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