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Nervous feet tapped on the white tiled floor as the owner rose the painted nails to bite away in jitters before stopping and pulling back in midway. Sighing,she pushed back her hair, bending forward, supporting her elbows on the knees as she hung her head down with closed eyes, sitting on the five seated bench in the waiting room.

"You look like you are waiting for some surgeon to pop out and give you some sort of bad news." A dark blue code dressed boy, seemingly in his twenties with a white mask over his face spoke, finally grabbing the girl's attention who stood up abruptly.

"Oh please. Is it successful?" She questioned in anticipation as the other could not help but chuckle.

"It must be so important for you to be acting up this way." He commented for which Leona smiled nodding her head.

"You have no idea. Now please?" Her doe eyes fixated on the boy's face in expectation.

"You are in! Senior manager made few arrangements to get you a part-time job in the hospital's medical store." Hearing that Leona face lit up grabbing the boy's palms and shaking it violently.

"Thank god! Thank god! Thank you so damn much!" She gushed.

"You should be! If it was not for my smart, polite, friendly self,you would have never managed to get a job in such short notice." The boy snickered.

"Definitely. Damn! You amazing boy." Leona chuckled shaking the other's hands once more before the other pulled it away.

"My hands are going to get dislocated. Joining date and all the other details will be mailed to you by evening,today." Saying that he handed her a form to sign.

After that was done, Leona hugged the boy once more before leaving the hospital premise.

"I owe you one Rue. Will catch you later,got some important work to do!" The said boy shook his head seeing the girl practically sprinting away, wondering what bought such changes in the girl so suddenly, before he walked away.

Rue was George's brother working as the head nurse in one of the main hospitals in the cities. Leona had grown a brotherly bond with Rue and not just her, the whole group was close to the elder ever since George had introduced him to the group three years ago.

Leona had rung a call to the boy right after coming back to home the other day from school asking if any part-time jobs can be arranged right away and by god's grace she had just landed one.

Although when asked the reason she had answered with a vague answer as to wanting to put her free time into use.

Leona got down the bus, quickly taking steps towards the open cafe which was a road away from the bus station.

Arriving at the place,she caught sight of the person that had waltzed into her life and almost knocked her off balance in just two months.

The boy had his head hung low,looking into the menu settled between his hands.

Pulling her hands out of the brown, one piece jumpsuit. Leona approached the small table with one chair already occupied by the boy and pulled out the other empty chair, opposite to him before settling down.

Hearing the screeching noise, Austin looked up,an instant smile filling his face.

"Hey!" Leona smiled at the enthusiastic greeting feeling sad for what she was about to do.

Austin was interested in her, infact the boy had grew a strong affection towards her. She was completely aware of it. And the fact that she had been on a date with the boy only added to his feelings.

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