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"Don't you dare try to make me the villain. Any proof that I did that to him?" The girl seethed, surprisingly the other one kept quiet.

"Now, you. Speak. Who was it?" The seething girl stared down the younger boy, who seemed to be a year or two younger than the girl.

"The guys from mechanical department were ragging the junior students. Just a while ago,a lecturer reported them to the head of their department." The boy recited awkwardly, scratching his neck as now two tall girls were staring him down to death.

"Can you grab your things now and leave?" In no means did that sound like a request, the guy quickly scrambled to grab his things lying on the floor and scurried away, leaving just the two girls in the empty hallway by the lockers.

"Assuming is the worst thing to do. Are you not aware of it?" The seething girl with orange hair pointed at the other girl.

The girl rolled her eyes seeing as the other was staring the other way instead of answering.

"Atleast get your facts right before accusing, Melissa Quinn."

Saying that the other girl was about to walk away when the said girl grabbed her wrist, actively stopping her from moving.

Rose Ellis was bought aback by this unexpected action as she turned around looking down at her wrist where a firm grip was wrapped.

"I-I-Ugh!" Rose slowly drifted her eyes from the dark fingers wrapped around her pale wrist to find the black curly haired girl scrunching her face in discomfort as she looked everywhere except for the one in front of her.

By now, she should have pulled her hand away. Glared the girl to death before walking away. Rose should have done so many other things that would have put some distance between them both.

Instead, she seemed to be relaxing into the hold. Unconsciously letting the other stay close to her.

Now, as Melissa was trying to pen out something, all Rose could do was stare at her face without a blink.

Did the other have those freckles all these days or was it makeup? Either way they looked cute on the girl. As the curly head girl was facing sideways, her pointed nose, sharp jaw, puckered lips were undeniably catching the orange head's attention.

When Melissa finally decided to just let it out and faced the girl, she was caught by an awestruck expression seeping through the other's features.

Their eyes met for a fleeting moment before they both looked away quickly.

Clearing her throat, Melissa spoke. "I am sorry for screaming at you unnecessarily."

She said it so swiftly that if the other's attention was not so focused on her lips, she would have missed it for sure.

"I might be a stuck up, annoying, arrogant bitch. But I don't go around bullying people and I, will not tolerate false accusations Mel." The firm tone, honesty and the way that nickname rolled off her lips lit a new feeling to rise up in the said girl's chest as she tightened the hold on the other's wrist, unknown to her ownself.

Rose's lips parted ever so slightly at the sudden pressure on her hand.

Neither moved,nor spoke. Both stayed frozen in the spot, eyes locked on each other's,as something anew began.

What was this feeling? They have been at each other's throats ever since they first met near the very locker where they were now standing mesmerized.

"I should go." After what felt like a whole hour, Rose spoke in a silent voice.

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