24 | dinner

184 17 9

Akira's POV

I was on my way back when I heard my phone rang.


I cut it as I was in hurry to go home.

I'll talk to him once I reach home.

It's been twelve days now that's I last saw him. Though I called him a few days back to ask about nothing in general, but it wasn't the same.

He meant something to me. And I'm very glad that it's him. He is caring, helpful, listening and everything a girl wants in her man.

So it's not my fault that I'm falling for him. But I know there's no chance for us. A man as successful and handsome as him wouldn't fall for the potato, that's me.

Potato lmfao.

Yea. I'm a potato. A sad potato.

Sad why? Cause I hit my freaking small toe of the right foot when I was walking out of the cafe.

And it hurts as hell.

You are clumsy af.

My subconscious mokes me.

As I neared home, something started stirring up in my heart. I couldn't quite decipher it but I know something's gonna happen. I'm getting intuitions.

And it's not something bad.

"Akira..." I heard a voice which seemingly souths me nowadays..

It's Ruhan.

"Hey. You are here?" I asked looking shocked. Offcourse I was shocked.

It was just a few minutes back that he called and I dodged it because I was in hurry. And now he's here, infront of my house.

"Are you fine? What happened? I called you and it cut. Something wrong?" He asked me coming closer to me. It seemed as if he was struggling on not to touch me. As if he wanted to touch me.

Stop is dumbass. Why would he want to. Stop getting your hopes high.

I hate my subconscious at the moment but whatever.

"Yeah no. I'm fine. Actually I was in a hurry after my shift ended, so I thought I will call you once I reach back home. We would talk calmly then. Not in a hurry. So.." I explained and his expressions visibly soothed.

So he was worried about me.
I wanted to dance at the moment.

You know how it feels when you get to know that your crush cares about you? That's what I am feeling right now.

"So umm..any perticular plans for today?" He asked me while scratching his neck. In his grey sweatshirt and black pants, he was looking hot.

How fluffy his hair look. Will they be this fluffy when touched too?

Okay. I'm officially brain dead now.

"No. No perticular plan. Why?" I asked and smiled his way.

"Alright so...umm...would you like, mind going for a dinner with me today? It is nearby I swear. There is a new park themed restaurant out there and they sale good Indian and Chinese. If you want that." Awww he looks cute while rambling.

Wait. Is it a date?

"You can take it as an apology dinner for my lack of present and response in past few days." He added hurriedly.


"Sure. Wait for a while, I'll freshen up and be back." I told him, opened the door. Made him sit in the living room and went inside.

This is going to be one heck of a dinner.

This is going to be one heck of a dinner

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