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I made my way towards the Mosque, running all the way

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I made my way towards the Mosque, running all the way. Veer was waiting for me outside as I told him I'll be back soon.

Just be safe, love. I was chanting in my mind, when suddenly I caught a glimpse of a woman in a beautiful green lehenga and a teary face.

My Sana.

I quickly made my way to her and hugged her. First, she tried to free herself thinking of me as a creep, maybe. But then she realised it's me and hugged me back. And cried on my shoulder.

"Now tell me, what happened Sana. And how the hell did that bastard left you like this?" I asked her. My voice scary, and it was evident on her face.

But my hold on her hands told her that this rage wasn't directed at her.

"He....left me. Like, it was our Nikah in a while and he said he wanted to talk to me first. Our parents denied so he sneaked us outside. We came here and he told me he don't want to marry me. He has someone.....else....else in his mind. He said it's Allah's Marzi and that I should forget him." And just like that, she cried again.
(Allah's wish)

We were in my car right now. Veer was comforting her and gave her water while I was fuming in rage.

How dare that bastard.

I quickly dialed a number and after two rings, they picked up the call.

"Hello. I need your help..."

"You don't need to be scared Sana. You have been here way too many times to be scared." I told her as I showed her the room she'll be in. First we took her to the mall, she changed her clothes into much comfortable ones.

Then she called her parents and told them the happening and deeds of Saad. Then, when finally her parents agreed and told her it's okay to be with me, she agreed to come to my home.

"I'm not scared Shivay. Never been when it comes to you. It's just...I..." She didn't know how to tell me something. But what?

"I ...don't think I'll be able to sleep alone. Like, the darkness and all, it will lead me to overthink the situation and..." And that's the Sana I know. The one who never lies no matter how tough it is.

"It's okay. I uhh... actually Akira isn't here tonight. She's with Ruhan." I told her and she made an 'o' face. She also know something is there between them.

When Ruhan asked me for permission, I gave him a whole lecture on how he shouldn't touch my sister at all or else he'll loose his life. And since he agreed, I too agreed for her to stay with him tonight.

"It's fine. I was just saying. You have already done a lot for me. I will sleep." She said but her face said something else.

"Would you like....mind sleeping..in the same room as me?" I suggested and she looked at me shocked.

"No. Don't get me wrong. Not on the same bed. Like, I'll sleep on the couch and you on the bed? It will be like not sleeping alone. You can talk to me even if you think anything or like, you know...." I suggested and she deciphered for a moment.

"But by this your sleep will ruin." She let out her worries.

For you, not only sleep, I can let my life ruin, love.

"It okay. I don't mind I swear." I told her but she still seemed in haze. I sighed

"Fine. Then how about a movie night? We can call Veer too. When you feel extremely sleepy and tired, you can go to your bed?" I suggested and this time I saw her eyes shine.

Should have known better. She don't want a companion to share her overthinking but a source to forget what happened today. I thought.

"Would it be fine?" She asked me.

"More than fine." I replied with a smile.

"Ok." Came her reply with a small smile.

Isn't my Shivay cute?
And my Sana too<3

•••Isn't my Shivay cute?And my Sana too<3

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