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When you meet your friends daily at school or college, it's normal for you. And they don't matter that much.

But when you meet them after years, it becomes a very memorable moment to you.

Same people, different time.

It's the same with me.

As today is my fifth day working in the cafe, our last customers are none other than Shea and Raunak.

My old classmates.

And guess what? They are engaged!!

Back in school, they used to be best friends. But Raunak was never a serious guy. He had like, nine girlfriends till he was in twelth grade.

And Shea was just the opposite.

She was a very sensible and serious girl. Both in academics and relations.

She never once had a boyfriend.

So it was almost impossible to imagine these two polar opposites together as fiances.

But that's life.

That's destiny. A sweet one in their case.

"No. He never proposed to me. He directly went to my parents with his parents and fixed out marriage date." Shea laughed at this one.

So did I.

"And you didn't had any objection?" I asked her while sipping my coffee.

It was on them. My first coffee of the day.

Even tho I work in a cafe, I'm not a barrista. For the sake of my life I can't make coffee. Nor do I like it much.

But I can serve. And do publicity too.

That's exactly my job here.

"Objection? Neh never. I mean main iski bholi shakal pe peeghal gayi thi na." She sighed dramatically making Raunak narrow his eyes at her.
(I mean I melted on his innocent face.)

"Pyaar hai. Kabool Karo. Bholi shakal pe peeghal gai thi." He faked offence in his voice, mimicking the last part in Shea's voice.
(You love me, just accept that.)

Making her gasp and making me laugh out loud.

Our cafe was closed now. It's owned by an elder couple who lives on the outside of the city.

To get away from my so called parents I came here, towards the outer side of the city and found this cafe within an hour.

After meeting me, they agreed to give me work and also shelter in the upper room of their house.

Tho it was way smaller than my bedroom back at my parent's, it wasn't toxic and depressing as that one.

It was small and cosy. It felt like home.

After that Mr. And Mrs. Gupta, aka the elderly couple became quite familiar with me in these five days.

Now they treat me less stranger-ly.

However, right now they have headed to their home. Giving me the responsibility to lock the cafe and come before 10 at night.

Shea and Raunak had also went back home. They also live some five kms apart from here.

Just as I was about to close the lights and go back home, I heard a voice.

A pretty familiar one.



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