The third wheel

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My whole world changed from the moment I met you

And it will never be the same

Felt like I knew that I'll always love you

From the moment I heard your name


Rishabh was having a very peaceful morning indeed. 

He had woken up early (by his standards, which meant half past eight) and was strolling in the lobby, sipping orange juice and listening to his favourite comfort audio file ('Gabba commentary', a compilation made by Ash bhaiya).

So yes, everything was peaceful, till all the peace was disrupted in the form of a timid tap on his shoulder.

"Rishabh, can you talk for a while?" asked Shubman.

He sounded so anxious, Rishabh bit back an inbuilt retort of, Would you leave if I said NO? Then why are you asking?

"Yeah, of course."

"I have this, um, doubt. And I can't work it out in my mind at all." Shubman looked awkward and nervous, but he went on. "Suppose two people, um, who are best friends...don't mind kissing each other and stuff...or-like it a lot, but-"

"Good lord!" said Rishabh. "Even I didn't foresee you and Ishan actually doing it before like three more years of obliviousness!"

"I didn't say anything about Ishan!"

"Okay," said Rishabh sarcastically. "Okay, say there are two people S and I-"

"A and B!"

"Fine, fine! A and B. Best friends who like kissing each other and stuff a lot. Now continue."

"But they're not in a relationship, like, officially," said Shubman. "Does that mean they're best friends with benefits?"

Rishabh almost laughed, but he didn't want to be that mean. Shubman was being so serious about it.

"Well," he said, though he had no idea how he, of all people, had ended up as a love guru. "Are A and B in love with each other?"

"I don't know..."

"Surely you know one perspective," Rishabh couldn't resist saying. "Pick A or B. This is why I was saying S and I would be easier, you know."

"Shut up," said Shubman without venom. "Okay, say A is in love with B, but we don't know B's side. And they both do say I love you a lot...a lot...but that could be just friendly..."

"Uh," said Rishabh. "Why would B like kissing A and stuff if he meant the I love you in just a friendly manner?"

"I don't know," said Shubman desperately. "That's why I'm asking you!"

Rishabh handed over his glass of orange juice to Shubman and encouraged him to drink, because he needed severe calming down.

"Shubi," said Rishabh, feeling solemn. "Do you love Ishan that way?"

Shubman stayed silent at first.

Then he simply said, "I do."

"Then go and tell him, for heaven's sake."

"No, what-what should I tell him? I mean-what would you advise A to say to B when-oh, God, all right." Shubman did the sensible thing, and drained the orange juice in one go. "What can I tell him when I've already told him I love him a million times? And when he says it back, how can I be sure he means it the way I want?"

"Wow," muttered Rishabh to himself, awed at how blind people could be sometimes. "I"

Aloud, he gave Shubman a painful smile.

"I'm working on it."


Everything was perfect

I knew this love was worth it

Our own miracle in the making


Later that day, once Rishabh had carefully observed the kind of embarrassed yet charged kind of looks Ishan and Shubman exchanged all the time, he casually fell in step with Ishan when they were walking up the stairs.

Ishan was a lot more closed-up than Shubman, so waiting for him to bring up the topic was not an option anyway.

"Ishu," said Rishabh. "Anything troubling you?"

Ishan looked around in surprise. "No, why?"

"I just thought so," said Rishabh. "From the way you're looking at Shubman lately. You know, speaking as someone who has known you over eight years, I'd guess something's up."

Ishan went red to the roots of his hair.

"Yeah," said Rishabh with a smirk. "I think it's time to change the roommate arrangement. Far too many distractions around. I'm going to tell Virat bhaiya-VIRAT BHAIYA!"

"WHAT?" Virat bhaiya yelled.

"Rishabh-" hissed Ishan.


"Rishabh, please, no!" Ishan was clearly gripped by acute panic. "Please don't tell anyone anything yet- no, not even Virat bhaiya!"

"ISHAN AND-?" Virat bhaiya shouted.

"NOTHING," Rishabh shouted back. "JUST JOKING." He turned to Ishan and lowered his voice back to normal. "Seriously? You're going to hide your boyfriend from your team?"

"He's not my-God, Rishabh!"

"What?" demanded Rishabh. "Why isn't he your boyfriend yet, when you two are clearly hankering after each other?"

"I don't know what Shubi thinks. Surely he has to-"

Ishan buried his head in his hands.

"-be in love with you?" suggested Rishabh, trying to keep the sarcasm to a minimum. 

"I wish I knew," said Ishan, who didn't seem to have heard. "But I don't know anything. Why do I never know anything?"

Rishabh didn't have the heart to give him an elbow twist. "You love Shubman, don't you?"

"I love him more than anyone in the world," said Ishan.

Rishabh was kind of impressed with how he pulled off that cheesy line with so much sincerity, looking at him straight in the eye.

"I know that," said Rishabh. "What I mean is-do you love Shubman like that?"

"Yeah," said Ishan, slowly. "I do."

"Yep, definitely," Rishabh murmured. "New level in blindness. Achievement unlocked."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Rishabh gave Ishan a painful smile, too. "I'll get back to you."


Being a third wheel between two visually impaired human beings was not a peaceful job, Rishabh warranted.


Till this world stops turning

I'll still be here waiting and waiting to make that vow that I'll...

I'll be by your side

Till the day I die

I'll be waiting

Till I hear you say I do

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