The morning after

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One touch and I ignite


Shubman woke up to slanting sunlight falling on Ishan's face as he slept.

It made him look golden. His hair, his eyebrows, every single eyelash glittered. Sunrise and Ishan had always reminded Shubman of the other, anyway.

And he looked so perfectly at peace, just looking at him, happiness ballooned inside Shubman.

He could spend his whole life just like this.

He realized his arm was still draped around Ishan's bare stomach. Smiling, he grazed his nails upwards along Ishan's skin till he reached his neck.

Ishan stirred. Shubman withdrew his hand quickly, suddenly embarrassed.

God, how could they ever look into each other's eyes after what they did last night?

Shubman felt himself flushing just at the memory. He knew it would be ten times intensified once Ishan woke up.

Reluctant and urgent at the same time, he sat up to gather his clothes. They were mixed up with Ishan's all over the bed. Ishan hadn't even changed out of his jersey before they'd started.

Once he'd got dressed and was preparing to go down, Ishan woke up.

"Morning," he said sleepily.

"Good morning," said Shubman, chancing a glance at him.

When their eyes met, Ishan must have remembered everything all at once, because he went fiery red and looked away.

"I'm-I'm going down for breakfast," said Shubman, quickly.

"Yeah," said Ishan, also quickly. "I'll come, um, later."


Ishan came late, but not late enough for Shubman to have left the dining table.

Like an idiot, he took a seat on the very opposite end of where Shubman was sitting in spite of the empty seat beside him, which at once brought on a bunch of comments from their teammates.

"Are you two fighting again?" asked Rohit bhaiya with narrow eyes.

"You displaced me yesterday," said Kuldeep, "and you ignore the empty chair today."

"Oh, sorry-" Ishan got up again like a jack-in-the-box. "I didn't see-"

He came quickly...but without tripping, sit beside Shubman without looking at him.

Shubman hoped he wasn't blushing as badly as Ishan was. And both of them took great care that their elbows or legs didn't brush against each other's even by accident.


That afternoon, the team travelled to Lucknow for the second T20 in the series.

They accepted adjacent seats in the flight to avoid more questions. They'd even tried to talk normally at the airport for the same reason. But they could not manage to look at each other in the eye.

Ishan's proximity mingled with the fresh memory of the taste of his skin and the sound of his moans of Shubman's name made the flight almost torturous for Shubman. It was all he could do to keep himself from seizing Ishan's shirt and pulling him into another of those mindblowing kisses. It was all he could do to keep himself from staring at Ishan.

The problem was, every time he did glance at Ishan, Ishan's eyes suggested that he was thinking of the exactly same thing.


Once they checked into the hotel in Lucknow, where they were of course roommates, Shubman took care not to be in their room alone with Ishan. Ishan must have been doing the same, because they didn't find themselves alone till that evening in the change room when their practice session was going on.

Shubman had gone there for a change in gloves. When he turned, he saw Ishan at the door.

He wondered vaguely if Ishan had followed him there or if it was a coincidence.

Coincidence. He'd go with coincidence.

"No, it's not a coincidence," Ishan said, like he'd read his mind, which he often did.

Shubman got a really hang consequences sort of attitude inside him right then.

He flung away the gloves he was holding and did exactly what he wanted to: seize Ishan's shirt and half-lift him up to kiss him senseless.

It got him senseless, too, and he was contemplating if it would be going too far to sweep away the kitbags on the bench beside them and throw Ishan on it and...

Then Shubman found himself flipped on his back, the kitbags digging into his shoulder and Ishan straddling him.

"You can overthink," said Ishan, winking. "I'll win everytime."

"Whatever-" Shubman gripped Ishan's hair to pull him closer.

Honestly, who cared if it was going too far?

Thankfully they heard the footsteps in time and had the notice to jump away from each other before Rahul bhai entered.

Shubman didn't know how he heard with the amount his head had been spinning.

He supposed it was the natural human instinct to avoid trouble.

Back on the ground, Shubman again felt far too embarassed to look at Ishan. Likewise, Ishan avoided his eyes carefully.


Over the next few days, they kept finding opportunities to sneak quick kisses. And they kept avoiding the discussion they needed to have, with the result they didn't talk much afterwards.

Shubman remembered that both their favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S. seasons were 4 and 5.

"I think," he said one day between kissing Ishan around the bend in the stairs. "I think we're acting like Monica and Chandler."

"Yeah," said Ishan. "I think that's why those two were our favourite seasons all along," and he captured Shubman's mouth again and Shubman forgot that they'd been about to say, I think we should stop avoiding the conversation.

Sometimes they were quick kisses. Sometimes it got a lot more intense.

And they always had to stop in a panicked hurry because someone was coming, because they were always stupid enough to start it somewhere away from their room.

Because it was not like they planned and did it.

"Yesterday night," Ishan said, tracing circles around Shubman's dimples which he seemed inordinately fond of. "I dreamt that you scored a hundred for GT and bowed and I was fielding at extra cover and went and kissed you."

"Just wow," Shubman said.

"I think it was a philosophical hint that I love you more than cricket."

That turned out one of the rare occasions they were close to their room, so they did manage to find their way to a bed, which was quite lucky for them.

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