If I find where it's hiding I might be able to gather the others from my tribe and we could corner it.

Grabbing my spear that was resting against the fallen log beside me I stood up and looked down the path that two trouble makers came from. 

"What are you doing?" Kora questioned and sat up straighter. 

Glancing back to her and kion I gripped my spear tighter. "I am going to track down the Draven and find its place of refuge before the rain comes."

"What?! Alone?!" Kion jumped to his feet.

"Isn't that dangerous?! We should-" I quickly cut Kora off.

"WE should do nothing, both of you have caused enough trouble tonight, i do not need you getting into more. It will be quicker for me to track it down alone and less dangerous. You two WILL stay here and await my return once the first sun rises. Understood?" 

They both went silent and Kora settled back in her spot by the fire. I know she's disappointed and upset with the way I'm treating her, if i could i would tell her just how important she is to me, that there is reason behind my anger, that I just want her safe.

 I hated the idea of leaving them alone again but finding the dravon now was important. If there's even the slightest chance that we have the advantage now and can get rid of the draven then I cannot let this opportunity go by.

"Please just do not put yourself in danger again. I will return soon." 

With that I turned away from the camp and strided into the forest to start my hunt.

–next morning–

Scanning over the burned remains of the field I could see the fires had completely died. Out due to the humidity and rain that had passed over already. The clouds above were still stormy so I needed to move quickly. 

Searching the area I found where the dravens tracks started and where it had attacked kion and kora. Following the trail I saw evidence of what the two had said. 

The remains of the burning tree that had fallen on the creature. From the tracks alone I could reimagine the creature's struggles as it took off into the forest. The trail left behind by it was clear and easy to follow but before I went after it I noticed tracks that didn't make as much sense. 

Crouching down, I inspected them much closer. They resembled kora's foot coverings in a way but seemed larger…

The sound of unfamiliar voices threw me into high alert as I dived behind cover. 

"Dammit why does boos have to drag us out here? Does he really need so many men out here for a single baownty?" As I hid behind a tree listening I recognized the language being spoken. It was English. These were humans.

Peeking around I could see Two human males standing a distance away conversing with each other while carrying large bags on their backs.

"Because it's safer! We already lost two men. Do you want to lose more?" The second responded to the first.

"Yeah Okay but why are we stuck carrying supplies? We're so far behind the others because this shets so heavy!"

"Maybe if you would stop complaining and didn't need to pizz every half haour we could keep up!"

I watched the two carefully before climbing up the tree and making my way into the branches above them. I watched closely as they started making their way towards the trail back to camp. Readying my spear I waited for the perfect opportunity before letting it fly.

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now