Battle 27: For the Sixth Badge! Niko vs Sabrina

Comenzar desde el principio

Ditto: Dit! (Yeah)

Niko: Let's show them the results of our training, Growlithe.

Growlithe: Growlithe! (Right)

Sabrina: It doesn't take a psychic to see you have a plan. But I prefer being surprised. So come at me.

Simon: Begin the battle!

Niko: Right. Flamethrower, go! Growlithe fires its attack.

Sabrina: Barrier. Mr. Mime waves its hands around creating a wall. The Flamethrower hits it.

Niko: What's that!?

Trace: That's Mr. Mime's power. It can create walls out of thin air making it almost impossible to hit it.

Kota: I see. A Psychic types strength doesn't necessarily dwell in power but a tight defense. Niko will have to find a way to get past Mr. Mime's Barrier.

Sabrina: This is how Psychic types battle. Do you think you can handle it, Niko?

Niko: Just watch! Ember! Growlithe blasts small fire projectiles at Mr. Mime. But it easily creates another wall, blocking the attack.

Sabrina: Hehe. But it looks like you'll be burned out at this rate. You'll see Mr. Mime now!

Niko: Growlithe, stay on your toes!

Sabrina: Now, Confusion!

Mr. Mime: Mime! Mr. Mime levitates Growlithe off the ground and slams it down.

Eevee: Vee!

Niko: Growlithe, are you okay? It slowly gets back up.

Duplica: That looked powerful.

Trace: Yeah no kidding.

Sabrina: Confusion is not only powerful, but it also confuses a Pokémon. Now, Psybeam! Mr. Mime fires a myriad colored beam.

Niko: This is our chance. Growlithe jump and use Flamethrower! Growlithe leaps over the attack and lands a direct hit. Yeah!

Duplica: They did it!

Trace: He landed a hit. Mr. Mime backed away a bit injured. It was momentarily engulfed in flame which seemed to eaten it further.

Sabrina: Oh no. That Flamethrower must have burned Mr. Mime.

Duplica: It worked. Not only did they land a serious blow, but now Mr. Mime is burned.

Kota: A good plan. I guess Niko taken his battle with Koga to heart. Instead of relying plainly on power he's relying on the status effects of his attacks.

Trace: Well if that's his plan, I say he should stick with it.

Niko: I guess our plan worked. Your Pokémon can defend against our attacks but you can't block the after effects.

Sabrina: Not bad. It seems you've thought of an interesting strategy. Wearing down my Pokémon little by little.

Niko: Yup. And that's how we're gonna win.

Sabrina: Well. Let's see you defend against Confusion.

Niko: Growlithe, quick use Dig! The dog Pokémon swiftly dug underground. It then popped out right below Mr. Mime and hit it directly in the chin, knocking it down.

Growlithe: Growl! It looked to see Mr. Mime unconscious.

Mr. Mime: said weakly.

Simon: Mr. Mime is unable to battle. Growlithe's the winner!

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