Paw Patrol: Zombie Pup Emerges in a Flower Show

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Zombie husky: I Seam! Mother of Wither, Decay, and Shrivel vow to never give up in search for my beloved baby girls! Also I guess sleeping this long resulting in my body not being strong enough to burst outta this ground! (magically turns to dirt while her tooth in the flower starts pulsing with a soft heartbeat)

Seam's voice: I guess this sunflower might've siphoned some of my colors for some time, but no harm done!

(scene changes to Mayor Humdinger arriving at the same spot finding the exact same sunflower)

Mayor Humdinger: (amazed) Wow! Now this flower! Come along kittens, we'll use this one! I doubt anyone has seen a sunflower with petals like this!

(scene changes to City Hall where Mayor Goodway has her most precious tulips on display for the flower show)

Mayor Goodway: Chickaletta, I have a feeling I'm gonna win this!

Helga Humdinger: (walks over) Mayor Goodway, so good seeing you again!

Mayor Goodway: (happily) Helga Humdinger, it's great seeing you again!

Mayor Humdinger: (arrives with the same sunflower from the woods but now potted) Ha! You call those tulips a winner, see this one! (reveals the unique sunflower)

Helga Humdinger: Wow! Hummy Gummy, where or how did you get that lovely flower

Mayor Goodway: (crosses arms) Yeah, how?

Mayor Humdinger: I found it in the woods! Thought I'd enter it for the flower show!

Mayor Goodway: Hold on, how do we know this isn't a fake sunflower or one you painted?

Mayor Humdinger: Go ahead and examine it!

Mayor Goodway: Gladly! (examines the sunflower) (surprised) It's genuine and no paint either!

Mayor Humdinger: Quite a find I say!

Mayor Goodway: We'll see who wins this Mayor Humdinger!

Mayor Humdinger: We shall!

Mason's voice: Ahoy!

(Mason walks over with Wither, Decay, and Shrivel)

Helga Humdinger: (shocked gasps) What happened to you girls!?

Mayor Goodway: Easy Helga, these are the zombie pup triplets! This is actually normal for them!

Mason: Wither, Decay, and Shrivel!

Mayor Humdinger: (scared) Zombie pups! Don't let them eat our brains! (climbs a lamp post)

Wither: (eye rolls) We don't eat brains but he's just too scared to believe it!

Helga Humdinger: Hummy Gummy, please come down! These puppies look friendly!

Mason: We bumped into him earlier, they got spooked by these triplets while we were busy looking for their mom!

Wither: (looks at the flower) Say that's the same flower we encountered earlier!

Mayor Goodway: You did?

Decay: I accidentally sneezed on that exact flower when I sniffed it!

Others: (disgusted) Eww!

Mason: We decided to take a brief rest then resume searching for their mom! Chances are she could be a zombie pup like her daughters!

Wither: (eyes widen) (remembers) I remember! Mom is purple, orange, and green! We're zombie pups the whole time but got buried quite a long time ago since folks were scared of us!

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