Wanna be my secret friend? ❀

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we all stood there watching vasco grip onto the bodyguard's arm not budging a inch making sure he tightened more and more every second each time the bodyguard tried to retrieve his arm making him wince in pain.

"Vasco don't do that.."
"He was gonna hurt you and f/n, I can't accept that."
"No, he's like a teacher..."
"I apologize."
"Lettin go that easy?" 

I deadpan at how easily vasco let go of the guy making him sigh in relief as Daniel did the same happy the situation didn't escalate...

And it was almost a solved problem, until the bodyguard had to act tough again and grab onto duke's harmed left ear that he pierced with a needle.

"Do you want a piercing like this piggy's ears?"
"You did that to duke by force..?"

Me and Daniel both shared a look knowing where this was going, I nod at Daniel signaling I'd take care of it. if vasco hits him it's over for us all. Reaching my arm to vasco's arm who was about to extend again to the guy.

"Hey vasco, leave it please. let's just not escalate this, I know how you feel but it—"
"F/n , I can't let this slide.."
"Don't, come on your better then this. Duke wants this opportunity for so long.."
"..your right."

patting his back he turns around to me and Daniel with a small smile, despite saving the morons life he still had to get on vasco's nerves again.

"Yeah listen to that stupid bitc-"

And that's all it took for vasco to launch the guy into a wall next to aru and the other manager blowing wind past them as he flew making them frozen in shock and turn behind slowly.

"AHHH!!! Is he a gangster! Look what he did! Call the cops , report this! He's unconscious his teeth fell out!"  Aru started yelling , but she's the one that let it escalate this far.

me and Daniel just stood there while he pat my shoulder as a ' you tried your best.'  Is this how he felt whenever I did the same thing? I should give this poor guy a cookie basket..


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"Hey guys, why are we at this warehouse thingy? "
"Crystal said something is going inside there, with aru.."
"so? Shouldn't we let her get hurt? She was the problem from the start."

"F/n this is worse, it's a nude shot against her will."
"Move aside.."
" wha-"

turning on my heel and spinning I perform a back kick to the door who was locked inside with chains and a lock destroying the door in the process making one fall over and the lock and chains making loud rattling noises spread on the floor.

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