Back to the Breach

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Juliet was smart to take a few extra days when they got back. "You need to take a vacation from the vacation before heading back to work." That was the advice she followed. It was a smart idea too. She needed time to unpack before heading back. She couldn't leave everything a mess. It also gave her time to change her mindset back into work mode.

Everyone was glad to see her return as well. She was a glue that helped keep everything together. There were plenty of people to help pick up her duties but there was just no one else with that dedication. The office seemed a bit off though. There was a cloud hanging over the place. As though something was missing. It took her a few hours before she figured it out. Hunter and Hanson were gone. It was odd that both of them would be absent at the same time. She knew Hunter had taken time off after their return as well to do the same as she did. Hanson thought he was dedicated to the craft. So to speak.

She found her answer hidden away. Hunter had taped an envelope to the back of his office door with her name on it. This was rather unusual for him. The letter caused her heart to sink as the first thing she noticed was that the whole thing was written by hand. Any official notice was typed and printed on the company letterhead.

 Any official notice was typed and printed on the company letterhead

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The paper crumbled in her hands as she gripped it. Her teeth were grit as tight as she could trying to fight back every emotion with the tears. She muttered the only thing that could come to mind, "You stupid. Fucking. Idiot."

It started when the two when their wheels touched down. They grabbed their belongings from the pickup and headed back home. Hunter dropped Juliet off making sure that she got a goodbye kiss. This was a sign of their progress. He wasn't as reserved as showing emotion towards her. She felt like she could be more open with him. But not at work. They still had to be professional about it.

He did his usual routine of making sure that she was inside before driving off himself. He only made it around the corner to get out of sight before calling Hanson, "Have a driver sent to my home. I'll meet them there and come in."

As ordered, there was a car waiting in his driveway. He parked his car to drop off his bag on the couch. No changing clothes, just in and out.

Hanson was waiting at the office. They grabbed their gear and headed out to the airport. The engines were already running. There was no wasting time. There was no time to decompress from the trip. Hunter was back in action from the word go. Their briefing began once the wheels were off the ground.

"My apologies sir for disturbing your vacation." Hanson really did feel awful about it. The instructions he was given were very clear that they were not to be disturbed unless it was an emergency. This definitely qualified as an emergency. Hunter started looking over the synapsis of the job with a pained expression. "Radio activity is at an all-time high. All static but across multiple channels. A rise in motion activity in the woods that is not native fauna. That's always pleasant to read. Do we know for a fact what it is?"

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