The Fine Line

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Small towns aren't always known for the strange rumors and weird happenings until it really begins affecting everything. The most famous recorded case was of Ashley, Kansas where the entire town just disappeared under weird and mysterious circumstances. A contract was issued out of Ashwood, Oregon requesting immediate help before their situation worsened. They had asked for help from their local offices but after a few days, they would either disappear or leave the job. The price was small being a small town but the situation was turning dire. Hanson proposed the contract, and Hunter did not hesitate to take it, packing up Juliet, Adam, and their things to head to the small town of under 500 residents.

The group arrived only a few hours after the contract was taken down by them. They were greeted at the small airport by the local office which had asked for help. The one thing that Hunter enjoyed about working with other offices like his was they understood what was happening, and what resources were needed, and they could openly share a lot of critical information that can make a job much easier. The group was taxied to the small office. Unlike Hunter's with its multiple floors and big office spaces, this place was one floor with a small reception desk right in front of the boss's office. There are only three people in this building but they were very in tune with the city.

They were greeted by the police chief from the next town over who worked with the three officers who lived in Ashwood while presiding over the larger city a few miles away. They squished Hunter, Hanson, Adam, Juliet, the office organizer John, and Police Chief Dexter into the small office. Adam and Juliet were offered seats while everyone else stood. Hunter took immediate control of the situation, "From the contract at hand you have had problems with an unknown individual or individuals that have been kidnapping children ranging from the ages of four to 18. Unless this has changed there are currently 14 people missing. Has this changed?" The police chief answered, "Not as of yet but with how things are going, we do expect that to change."

"I'm aiming to help relieve that so we'll work as quickly as we can. John, quick question for you though. How knowledgeable are the officers in town and our Police Chief here?"

John was confident in his answer, "If you mean with the town, the officers grew up here while Officer Dexter often visits. If you mean about our work, they know a lot of what we do as we have had to deal with a wide array of weird and strange things."

"To what extent?"

Officer Dexter chimed in again, "Enough to know that your succubus there looks like she's about to keel over from malnutrition."

Juliet sighed, "I know! I have no idea what it is but flying just kills me!"

Hunter took back over, "Excellent, then we can make this as seamless as possible. Officer Dexter, I'm Ivan, this is Hanson, Adam, and Juliet. I will need a profile on all the children who have gone missing, where they were last seen, where they live, and any other information you can think of."

"We will have that in the next few hours on John's desk for you."

"John, ideas on where we can stay?"

John sat back in his chair much like how Hunter does when he is in control, "My mother runs a small B&B if you don't mind possibly sharing with a few out-of-town people."

"We'll make due. We'll just need to take the basement for our base to set up."

"Consider it done. Dexter can show you where she's set up. I hope we get this solved quickly. Word travels fast around here so it won't be long before the locals will begin pestering you too."

The last few groups that came through were under fire from the townsfolk to find the missing children. Being in a small town the news traveled fast about someone new coming into town. Their motives were quickly found out as they began asking the missing person's family members. This would be a very different challenge for them as lying low was incredibly difficult to almost impossible. Most of their information would be from the police reports that would be provided. Everything else would have to be found or deduced from the information at hand. Being the small town that it is, there was the advantage that everyone would know something if the need arose.

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