Just Bounty Hunters Afterall

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Spring had already left and summer was in full swing. Even this far north there was a heat wave rolling through the area where the days were constantly 90+ at the highest. The office was humming with the sound of the air conditioning running at full blast trying to keep up with the demand. To help preserve some of the people working, the hallway vents were closed leaving all the air to push to the offices and conference rooms. Traveling from place to place was like trekking through a desert. If you weren't sweating by the time you reached your destination then you were a god among men. Hanson seemed to keep his cool as he would walk at his normal pace, in his usual work clothes that looked like he was attending a wedding.

Juliet was taking refuge in Hunter's office as she did not have her own. She lay out in the chair across from his desk trying to find a spot where the ventilation would blow directly on her. Hanson walked in with his usual demeanor placing a stack of papers on Hunter's desk. Hunter gave him thanks but before he could leave Juliet stopped him, "Hanson, how do you keep so cool in this heat?"

"Ah, Lady Juliet. I naturally run cold. I'm old."

She looked him over. Yea, he wore a suit with a full jacket kept in pristine condition but kept himself in that same pristine shape. Not a bead of sweat on him. Meanwhile, Juliet was wearing the skimpiest thing that her boss would allow her to get away with. Her "work" shirt was more like something you would find someone at the gym wearing. A baggy tank top that covered just enough to be decent. Her shorts were just to the knees to keep her professional image but she did everything she could to keep from moving. It was a thick material but the only thing she owned that would work.

Hunter on the other hand was drinking and sweating like a hog. He had a simple polo shirt with his company logo of an Ivy Branch in a U-shape with a wolf head nested in the middle of it. He had on khaki shorts to try and keep himself cool but from his face, you could tell that he just was uncomfortable. He kept a handkerchief on his desk just to wipe the sweat away. "What did you bring me, Hanson?"

"Some items for your consideration."

"Work, I like it. Anywhere cooler than here?"


Hunter grabbed a few off the top of the stack looking through them at a quick glance. He passed them to the other side of his desk grabbing another bit of the stack. He got to the third one before he stopped. "Hanson, do you remember one Felix Weiss?"

"Lycanthrope wanted for murder if memory serves."

"That's why that sounds familiar. We busted him right?"

"We did, a few years ago. He was sentenced to life in prison."

"Well, looks like he's out but not on parole."

He threw the file down with the mugshot of Felix on the front page. "I'm taking a personal interest in this one. Let's get wheels up as soon as possible. The team will be me, you, and Juliet. Adam can take a breather on this one." Juliet whined at the news, "That means we have to go outside! Where it's hot! Ugh!"

Their briefing in the meeting was rather brief. They had the mug shot up when everyone walked in, quickly ran down the plan, and were out the door within 10 minutes of everyone sitting down. Being it was just the three of them, it was presumed to be an easy job. Quick in-and-out kind of deal. They just had to track down Felix, bring him back to be reprocessed, and they would collect on the contract.

Their trip was to head to the east coast where they would be picked up by a boat to take them to a small island off the coast of Rhode Island. The plan from there would be to spend the night anchored off the coast and sneak on in the early morning. The group met for another planning meeting the night before. Hunter had a detailed map of the area with the island they would be heading to circled in red. "Right here is where we need to be." his finger pointed to a small section of the island that didn't seem to have trees on it. "We know that there is a small village here that's been used as a refuge for outcasts for a while. That being said, they are outcasts. They chose not to conform to the rules and laws that were set forth. They will not take a liking to us being here. We will need to be on our toes at all times. Head on a swivel, and ever vigilant. I don't suspect things are going to get violent but if they do, we should be prepared."

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