Enter the Sirens

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After the mess with the Lich, Hunter decided it was a good idea to take the office on a vacation for a few days. The destination was a mystery until they arrived at the airport in Honolulu, Hawaii. The entire goal of the trip was to relax and get back to 100%. The plan was a whole week with no work, no interruptions, and whatever they could within regular bounds.

Hunter had his own plan that he quietly kept to himself while Hanson let him know that he planned on spending time enjoying the fine liquors they have on the island along with some enjoyment at some of the shows they have to offer.

Juliet had different plans. She planned on using some of her savings to indulge her shopping habits with the plan of having a new outfit every day they were there for the beach, for the city, and for the night. She was more thinking of hunting for some local islanders but that was put to a quick stop. She had her fill at the army base.

The first day was just to plan. Juliet was able to spend her extra cash on local outfits that would attract some attention. Hanson got to go out and enjoy a few of the shows that they offered. Hunter spent his day sitting in a reclining chair on their porch looking out into the ocean and enjoying his drink of choice for the hour. As the sun began to set, the others returned to the hotel room. Hanson was refreshed with the local culture still fresh in his mind and Juliet with the hope of a long vacation still ahead of her.

Hunter, however, was sitting on the porch with his drink still in his hand and a scowl on his face. As Hanson joined him on the porch he noticed the unpleasant look on his face. "What seems to be the matter, sir?" Hunter didn't say anything. He just handed him his phone which was already on an open email. Hanson's hope for a quiet vacation disappeared as he read the phrase "Mandatory Contract Acceptance". Hunter downed his drink, "Get your things together. We're going to one of the smaller islands for this one. Vacation's over!"

The last sentence caught Juliet's ears and she came running to the crashing sound of her time off. "What do you mean vacation is over?!" Hunter got out of his chair, "We've been employed by the government to take care of a nuisance." It was only hours but they were on an airfield packing into a puddle jumper plane to head to one of the smaller islands where tourists do not go. They had a rough landing on a dirt field where they were greeted in the dark by some of the locals.

They went from the luxurious hotel to a shack that seems like it was built that day. The wind howled through the holes in the wall. Juliet fell to her knees, "If there is a God! Please just kill me now!" She fell to the floor giving up on everything. Hanson and Hunter walked around her putting their stuff down on the shabby table that fell apart from the weight. Hunter sighed, "Yea, I give up too. Let's get this done."

Hunter fell onto the couch falling into the beaten cushion while Hanson took to the bedroom to fall into the bed that was falling apart. Juliet eventually got up and found a chair but the three of them had a bad night's sleep before waking up to the sun breaking in through all the cracks in the walls.

This job required them to take a boat into the ocean to an area where fishing boats have gone missing. More specifically their crews have. Over the past few days, they pulled back 4 empty boats that look as though the people on them just walked off into the ocean. On the car ride to the harbor, Hunter started working on a plan, "I would bet my last dollar that the sirens that were harassing pirates migrated to Hawaii." There were no objections the entire ride to the marina.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by the harbormaster and their government liaison who would be accompanying them. The boat they would be taking would be better than the shack they had but not by much. There was enough space that everyone would have their own space but not much else. A small common area below the deck was about the only other space they had. They all exchanged greetings. Hunter would be going by Ivan again for this mission. Juliet was given Abigale while Hanson stayed as he was.

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