Work Begins

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Their morning bell was the doorbell for the guest house chiming. One of Lady Mackling's security guards arrived early to make sure they were up to begin escorting and following her. Breakfast was not provided but there was food in the refrigerator. Hanson was charged with making sure that everyone was fed as they were already on the clock. They knew for tomorrow that they had to be up earlier to feed themselves. Hanson quickly prepped what he could but the only person who was fed before they left was Adam. Everything else had to be delivered on their watch. Hunter would take the morning shift of following Lady Mackling around as she went about her day switching with Hanson mid-day to exchange notes, add to the board, and plan if needed. Juliet was on her own as she was charged with watching the ground from up high.

The small group made sure to make their presence known as well. If this was the spirit of her late husband then "intruders" would not be welcomed. It may take a few days for it to acclimate to them but once it knows that they are not leaving, it may try to make them. The morning consisted of Hunter standing three feet behind Lady Mackling. When she went outside Juliet would swoop around to an area where she could see her. As much as Lady Mackling didn't enjoy the extra attention she knew it was necessary. Hunter had to remind her that the succubus was friendly.

Working in the field that she has had for so long, demons and demonic beings are not very welcome to her. They were the bane of her work as a medium. As they sat down for lunch they got to talk more about it. Juliet stayed in a nearby tree within earshot as she kept her eyes open for anything else. Hunter instigated the conversation to try and find out more about the occurrences, "What makes you think this is the ghost of your late husband?" Finding the cause was the best way to find a solution. She sipped her tea that was brought to her by one of her handlers. Hanson took his adding one lump of sugar listening carefully and taking notes on a small notepad. Lady Mackling cleared her throat, "I am unsure why. There have been messages left that only my husband would know of. There have been occurrences that stirred me on a personal level that only he knew. But at the same time, he is being abusive. Very straightforward, he was always a proper gentleman." Hunter began delving a bit deeper and into more personal questions, "How did you and your husband meet?" She leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes with her hands wrapped around the small cup, "It was Spring in 1946. There were a lot of people still suffering the horrors of war as more and more troops were not coming home. Frauds began to pop up to take advantage of people by putting on a show and taking their money. I kept my name out of it but there were still a few people who had heard of me. One of them was Sir Ian Mackling."

Her eyes seemed to light up just by saying his name. A smile began to crawl across her face moving her wrinkles. She still looked rather happy thinking back. "He served with the British Royal Air Force fending off the German Blitzkrieg. Once they were pushed back he was brought to the front with the rest of his flying squadron. They were grounded near the front line and unable to get their planes off the ground before they were overwhelmed. They managed to retreat back to safety but not with everyone. Eventually, as the battle went on, and they were forced into foot soldiers, he became the only one left. He and I met through a mutual contact and he asked me to help him make peace. Together we were able to let him speak with his comrades in arms, make his peace with them, and them with him, allowing everyone to move on. He took me to dinner to thank me and two years later we were married." The glimmer of happiness in her eyes was brought by a deep feeling of love that had spanned almost 80 years. Behind the happiness was a hint of pain as she believed that her husband was out to cause her malice, harm, and stress. "I worry that he harbored some harsh feelings towards me that allowed this to happen. I've seen many times where a loved one has turned into something unholy because of strong feelings of resentment for their significant other." The tears began to form in her eyes. She reached for her napkin to dab them away while sniffling trying to keep her composure. "I'm sorry, this is not how a lady should act in front of guests."

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