Making History

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The contract came out of Denver, Colorado in the middle of summer. President Bush was on his way out of the White House from his second term as the next presidential election was heating up as the candidates were getting ready to start debates in September. The situation in Denver was simple: people were claiming to be attacked by a sexual predator. They were left in the hospital for days at a time with minor wounds. At first, it seemed like a few isolated cases but quickly they all began to connect. Police were having a problem catching the individual as there was oddly no DNA evidence left behind. They began linking them together by similar motives until the pattern began to repeat. Both men and women were being targeted but once a woman was left with a nasty scar, their contract was sent out.

Hanson was the one who grabbed it. He loaded up his bags into the plane with his student at his side. The young boy was picked up after his home was destroyed in a fire at a previous job no less than a week ago. Both his parents didn't make it out and the world declared him dead with them. He became a ghost much like his teacher. Flying coach was their way of getting around so laying low was key. A few people gave them some strange looks with such an older gentleman and such a young man. The two took their seats waiting for their flight to take off. The young man mumbled to himself most of the time complaining about how compact it was in the plane swearing he would not be flying public airlines.

The flight was short though. They landed in Denver in decent time with the help of a tailwind. They collected their bags from the carousel as they went to the exit. A taxi was waiting for them to take them to meet their contact for this job. Hanson began reading into the folder they were provided while the young man kept his eyes out the window watching the buildings pass by. The car stopped in front of an odd office building with a few police cars outside. They two grabbed their things heading inside. As they entered the building they were greeted by a uniformed officer waiting for them. They were escorted to the room where they would be meeting with the person who issued the contract directly.

As they followed Hanson leaned over to the young man, "Do you remember your name on this one?" The young man sneered, "Michael." Hanson patted him on the back for remembering. The officer stopped in front of a door that led into the room with their contact. The office was rather large for just one person. There were a few rooms inside with others working but the person they were to meet was on the other side in a corner office. The tables in the middle of the room were filled with people who looked like they were doing paperwork while those in the offices had the door closed and were on the phone. The office they were directed to had no way to look inside. The only way to tell this was the room was that it had his name on it. "Robert Edmond" was the man they were to meet.

Walking in he had the best office there. It was three times the size of the others with two walls of one-way glass to look out. His desk was a dark hardwood that stood out among the others. Across his desk were some nice-looking materials. Higher grade paper, sorted ink pens. Everything about this guy screamed that he worked on promoting himself the best that he could. He seemed to just be looking outside until he heard the door open. In his large, leather chair he turned around to greet them, "Hello, how can I help you?" Hanson stepped in beginning their job, "We are here to help you." He seemed excited to hear that, "You're the contractors, yes?"

"We are."

"Excellent! Come in! Come in! Have a seat so we can talk."

The two took seats in the plain chairs across from the man. Hanson led the conversation. Robert seemed rather anxious about getting this taken care of, "Here is what I need. People are being sexually assaulted. The police can't find out who's doing it. Election season is coming up and I am running for Mayor of Denver. If I can claim that I solved this while the current mayor just let it happen I can get a huge lead over him. I need you two to find out who is doing it and have them removed. I don't care how, just make sure that it's quiet." Hanson nodded acknowledging his request, "We will make sure that we work with extreme diligence."

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