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The past couple of days have been quiet around the office. Hanson continued his work looking for their next job while helping Adam learn more about the new world he was falling into. Marguerite was still sending her follow-up treatments for his Vampirism so his first lessons were in-depth on vampires and what happened to him. The medicine was a weird mix that would almost make him sick every time he had to take a dose but it worked. It was going to be a long process for him, a couple more months, of a slightly changing mixture to flush the junk out of his system. The two of them, Hanson and Adam, started getting to know one another a bit better much like how Hunter and Hanson first started.

Juliet began taking on more responsibilities around the office. She started taking some of the accounting work from Hanson on smaller projects like making sure the bills got paid, that utilities and work items were purchased and delivered, and a whole bunch of small things to get her more attuned to how the office ran behind the scenes. She began to learn that they have more than just a few of them and a secretary on their payroll as well. Their maintenance crew would now go to her if they needed parts to finish a project or preventative maintenance. She learned they have an IT person on-site who hangs out in the basement most of the day.

Hunter continued as he was, at the end keeping an eye on all the small things happening around him while working on his own projects. With so many new people out in the field he needed to come up with a way that they could more effectively work together. The most important was safety. After Ashwood, the reality is that Adam is not prepared to fully assist in the field. Almost losing him to the wisps was a wake-up call that he really needs to work on his education first. Hanson was already well ahead of that but at the same time Hunter wanted him out with them as soon as possible. With no way to predict what was next on their list, he could only hope that Hanson would be able to teach him a wide array of knowledge that could span the entire knowledge base they needed. It was a stretch to ask.

Something was still bothering him though. The end of the day would come and night would fall. Hunter would go home as he would but something felt as though it was following him. Not like the Balton incident though. It was more like something was just watching him, waiting for something. Around the office, in town, at home, wherever he went it felt like it was there. The paranoia began to get to him but he still managed to keep himself collected. His free time was consumed by trying to find out what it was. At first, he thought it may have been a wisp that followed him but that was quickly dismissed. This was very different and he was determined to figure it out but he would need some help.

The end of the day came around as the normal people began leaving for the day. Hanson took Adam home giving him his assignment to complete for tomorrow. Even though he wasn't in school he was still being given homework but this was very different from what someone his age would normally have. Juliet stuck around a little longer than normal but before she would leave she would always stop by Hunter's office to wish him a good night. She stuck her head in to find him with the TV on to a local news station doing the weather and him on his computer with his hand on his chin. He seemed to be in deep thought about something. "Goodnight, Hunter." He looked over with a small wave going back to his screen. She began to shut the door when he heard him, "Oh wait!" She leaned back in, "Yes?"

He stood up shutting off the TV while locking his computer for the night. He grabbed the light jacket he had off the floor heading her way, "I actually need your help with something if you don't mind." She stepped out of the doorway to let him close the door. With a quick lock, his office was secured. He stood up looking at her, "Can you help? Or are you busy tonight?"

"Um, can I help? What do you need?"

"That's where this gets strange. The less you know the more it helps me."

HunterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang