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"Miss... you'd better take a bite. You haven't eaten much for several days. If you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it." Aunt Zhang is the nanny who has taken care of Pei Nanfei since he was a child. Pei Yu is young, the mother of Pei Nanfei's alpha

. She was busy with work when she was young, and her mother, Omega, died young. Decades later, she had already regarded Zhang Ma as a member of her family.

On the table is a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and a piece of green onion mixed with tofu. They are all light and easy to digest. The aroma of preserved eggs and rice porridge exudes, which will whet your appetite after a while.

The small room finally had a touch of humanity because of these few dishes. Pei Nanfei sat at the table and glanced at the food on the table, without any intention of moving his chopsticks. "Now that I have fallen to this level, how can I still do it?

" Are you in the mood to eat?"

"Take it down."

Today is Pei Nanfei's sixth day under house arrest here.

The person who put her under house arrest was none other than her good sister who she had loved since childhood, Jiang Lian.

Jiang Lian is Pei Nanfei's cousin. Her parents died young and she was sent to Pei's family when she was very young. Pei Nanfei lost her mother when she was young. She was helpless and suffered a lot when she was a child. She couldn't bear to have her cousin go through the same thing as herself, so she loved Jiang Lian very much. She almost wanted to dig out her heart and hold it in her hands for fear of falling. She kept it in her mouth for fear of melting...

But her cousin, who had grown up loving her in every way, took advantage of Pei Yu's serious illness to seize all the property in Pei Nanfei's name and put her under house arrest in an unknown small house. Town!

How could Pei Nanfei not hate him?

Seeing Pei Nanfei's decadent look, Zhang's mother felt very distressed. She held Pei Nanfei's hand and said excitedly,

"Miss, there must be some misunderstanding between you and Miss Jiang. Although she keeps you here, she has never done anything to harm you. As long as you Talk to her properly..."

What did you say?

Pei Nanfei almost laughed out of anger.

Tell us about how Jiang Lian betrayed his trust, how he took advantage of Pei Yu's serious illness to steal the official seal and teamed up with others to kill her?

After Zhang Ma left, the room became eerily quiet. Pei Nanfei was alone for a while. After confirming that no one would come in and disturb her for a while, she reached out and touched the bottom of the porridge bowl.

The bottom of the bowl was very smooth and there didn't seem to be anything wrong. Pei Nanfei thought for a while and tapped the bottom of the bowl a few times.

With a click,

the mechanism flicked open and a piece of paper fell out.

"In two hours, someone will come to rescue you and leave."

Pei Nanfei is not a fool. She has been in charge of the Pei family for several years and has accumulated a lot of close contacts. The reason why she was tricked this time was because she trusted Jiang Lian so much that she didn't set any precautions. Her confidants had found out her location a few days ago. According to the plan, the guard at the side door of the villa had been bribed, and as soon as the planned time came, someone would come to pick her up.

Thinking of this, Pei Nanfei couldn't help but feel a little excited, but after a moment she returned to her original state, reached out and tore the note into pieces.

After doing all this

, she picked up the bowl and took a slow sip of the porridge.

After eating a bowl of fragrant hot porridge, Pei Nanfei gradually regained her ability to think. People are always prone to random thoughts when they are in trouble, but at this most difficult moment, her mind was surprisingly calm.

The fight and conspiracy disappeared. She sat quietly on the chair, but her mind drifted to a person who shouldn't be mentioned at all now.

In other words, a person who shouldn't be in her heart.

Shen Qingshu, her omega wife.

Pei Nanfei was stunned and thought of Shen Qingshu's face uncontrollably.

She is not extremely beautiful, but she is very gentle. She always likes to have gold-framed eyes, and her eyes hidden under the lenses always contain a distant and noble smile. Shen Qingshu is three years older than Pei Nanfei, and his every move exudes mature charm, like a ripe papaya, tempting anyone to take a bite.

But she also had a cold and indifferent character. Shen Qingshu was born into a noble family and was the only daughter of the Shen family in Weicheng. She had an arrogant and stubborn personality and had almost no good feelings toward Pei Nanfei. There was no relationship between them. Pei Nanfei didn't like Shen Qingshu, and Shen Qingshu looked down upon her flamboyant style. Their marriage was just the product of a family marriage and existed in name only.

If Pei Nanfei regards his cousin as a treasure, then Shen Qingshu...

is a weed that she doesn't even want to take a look at.

But now that she was in a desperate situation, she couldn't help but think of her indifferent wife.

Shen Qingshu should be very happy after knowing that he was plotted by Jiang Lian.

After all, his two enemies suddenly disappeared...

While he was thinking about it, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and

it was Jiang Lian.

She is still dressed as usual, with a pink fragrant suit and seaweed-like wavy hair, just like an exquisite doll, she looks extremely innocent and well-behaved.

Not only her appearance, but also her personality is sweet and well-behaved. She called Pei Nanfei cousin, and she said the two words almost to the point of stringing her tongue. Her tone was as sweet as honey, and her tone was soft and simple, as if she really loved Pei Nanfei.

"Cousin, it's been so many days, have you figured it out?"

It seemed to be snowing outside. Jiang Lian put down his bag and swept away the falling snow on his shoulders.

The place where Pei Nanfei was imprisoned was very remote, located in an unknown town near Weicheng. The terrain of this town was dangerous, with a cliff not far away, so there were few people there. Out of fear of Pei Nanfei, Jiang Lian tied her here without anyone noticing.

Seeing that Pei Nanfei didn't respond, Jiang Lian couldn't help but walked over and deliberately slowed down his tone, "My cousin is a

smart person, so she naturally knows what Lian Lian wants. If my cousin is willing to cooperate with me and hand over the documents obediently, of course Lian Lian won't It's hard for my cousin."

"If my cousin is unwilling to cooperate with me..."

The document Jiang Lian mentioned refers to Pei Yu's will. The distribution and inheritance of Pei's shares are clearly written in the will.

As long as she gets this document, Jiang Lian's position in the Pei family will no longer be unfair!

Thinking of this, the ambition in Jiang Lian's eyes could no longer be suppressed.

Pei Nanfei was silent for a while, then smiled lightly and said,

"You're dreaming."

She raised her head and her tone was extremely mocking.

"Unless I die, Pei Yu's will, Pei's property..."

"Don't even think about getting any of it!"

Jiang Lian's face turned pale when she heard the categorical rejection. She expected Pei Nanfei's attitude, but I didn't expect that she would be so uncooperative. How could Pei Nanfei talk to her in this tone before? She didn't have to say anything herself, as long as she acted coquettishly and pretended to be coquettish, Pei Nanfei would give her whatever she wanted.


Jiang Lian slapped the solid wood table loudly, as if hearing the most vicious curse in the world. She stared at Pei Nanfei fiercely, wishing to poke a hole in her body!

Looking at his cousin's ferocious face, Pei Nanfei felt a little sad for some reason.

The little figure in my memory has grown up after all. My cousin was only six or seven years old when she first came to the Pei family. She was timid and did not dare to sleep alone. She was also afraid that others would dislike her and was troublesome, so she only dared to sneak into her room in the middle of the night. , calling her cousin with a sweet voice.

"Cousin, please stay with Xiao Lian. Xiao Lian is so scared to be alone." The

beautiful memory has been completely shattered, leaving only the hateful-looking Jiang Lian. Pei Nanfei couldn't help but frowned in disgust,

"Jiang Lian, you are really worthy of it." She is my good sister, the good sister I grew up holding in my heart."

She lowered her eyes and said in a disgusting tone,

"You are so arrogant."

"Am I a wolf-hearted person?"

Jiang Lian asked with red eyes,

"Cousin, you You keep saying you are for my own good, but you suppress me at every step in the company. Even if Pei Yu nods and agrees to my joining the board of directors, you still obstruct me in every possible way. Pei Nanfei, is this what you call doing it for my own good?" What Jiang Lian said is indeed true, but although It was

a fact, but Pei Nanfei was still trembling with anger.

She had seen a lot of dirty things in the past few years when she was in charge of the Pei family. In business, there were always some shady things. But how could Pei Nanfei be willing to let Jiang Lian get involved in this muddy water? So she never let Jiang Lian take over any difficult affairs in the company. Even the dirty things that Pei Yu named Jiang Lian to do, Pei Nanfei would grab them first and do them for her.

Unexpectedly, in Jiang Lian's eyes, it turned out to be him suppressing her everywhere.

"You, you,"

her voice almost trembled,

"you are as stupid as ever."

Jiang Lian sneered, unwilling to talk nonsense to her anymore,

"Cousin, I believe you also know that the whole Weicheng is waiting to see me. It's a joke. If you obediently hand over the documents, we can still rebuild our old relationship. If you are still stubborn..." She raised her hand and took something out of her bag, "Don't blame me for turning against



" A gun!

The dark gun pointed at Pei Nanfei's chest, and anger swept through her body instantly!

She is not a character controlled by others. Being imprisoned by Jiang Lian has worn away all her patience, and now, Jiang Lian dares to point a gun at herself?

She laughed twice and grabbed the gun in anger.

He pressed it straight to his heart,

"Okay, very good, Jiang Lian, how dare you point a gun at me now? Do you dare to shoot?!"

Jiang Lian was startled by her reaction, and the next second Begin to resist. The moment the two struggled, the gun went off. With a loud noise, the bullet hit the wall. The bodyguard guarding the door heard the gunshot and rushed over immediately. When Jiang Lian saw this, he shouted


" Tie her up!!!"

Pei Nanfei sneered and decided to use the trick.

She knocked Jiang Lian unconscious with a palm, grabbed the hand/gun,

"Whoever dares to come here, as long as you dare to take one step closer, I will kill her with one shot!"


Pei Nanfei stumbled and dragged Jiang Lian. When I arrived at the side door, it was not the agreed time, and there was no one waiting to pick me up in front of the side door.

Listening to the chaotic footsteps, Pei Nanfei suddenly became confused.

Can't wait any longer!

She abandoned Jiang Lian and climbed over the gate,

"Pei Nanfei is there."

The bodyguard shouted after him,

"Catch her, don't let her run away!"

The messy footsteps made people upset, Pei Nanfei's Her heart could not help but hang in her throat. If her escape failed this time, she would never have a chance to escape again!

At the critical moment, a black sports car suddenly appeared in front of her,

"Get in!"

A woman got out of the car.

This woman looked haggard and had a plain face. She didn't have the aloof and cold look of the past.

Pei Nanfei was stunned.

She never thought that Shen Qingshu would appear here,

"Who...who asked you to come here?"


Shen Qingshu: "No one asked me to come."

Several gunshots and lightning were heard from behind. Among the flints, Shen Qingshu threw himself in front of Pei Nanfei,

and with a bang,

the ground turned red.


Blood flowed out from the woman's abdomen, and the blood stained the ground. It was obviously in extreme pain. Shen Qingshu showed a bitter smile and took a sip of blood mist. It was like a rose containing blood. It was extremely bright and beautiful. .

She raised her hand and carefully touched the side of Pei Nanfei's face,

"I... came here myself."

The author has something to say:

Pei Nanfei: Sure enough... you will lose your wife if you talk too much.

Pre-collection [After rebirth, my villain O went crazy]

Song Shizhou is dead.

Before she died, she was the only daughter of the wealthy Song family. Unfortunately, she was given the wrong child when she was born. Her adoptive parents beat her and scolded her. Her biological parents thought she was not worthy of the spotlight and could not compare with a fake daughter.

But it doesn't matter.

After returning to the Song family, she attended a banquet. At the banquet, she met a person who looked exactly like the gentle sister she liked when she was young. With some alcohol, Song Shizhou went up to confess her love. She originally thought she would be rejected harshly, but unexpectedly the person agreed. .

She remembered the expression of the man who listened to her confession with a smile and looked extremely gentle. Seeing the

person who had been in love with her when he was young, Song Shizhou wanted to give her his heart, and he even wanted to tie her to his side. But her sister seemed to have changed. She laughed at her and bullied her, asking her to use all means to prove that she loved him. Later, if things didn't go her way, she would be cold-blooded and violent.

After half a year of such confusion, a large group of people came to the door. Song Shizhou suddenly discovered that the person who gave all his love was not the sister in his memory, but the inner city's richest daughter, Bai Ruowei, who looked very similar to her. .

Her love, those oaths of friendship, those words of humiliation and humiliation...

were all just entertainment for Miss Bai when she was bored these past few months.

Seeing the woman's mocking expression, Song Shizhou felt heartbroken for the first time.


Maybe God saw that her life was too miserable and gave her a chance to live a new life.

Once again, Song Shizhou didn't want anything.

She didn't want to stay in the Song family anymore, let alone have anything to do with Bai Ruowei.

She happened to be reborn on the night of the reception, and she pressed Bai Ruowei on the bed...

To be fair, although these two omegas have very similar faces, their temperaments are still very different, but

such an ice-cold person is a bit scary. The woman looked at her lovingly at this time.

Far more gentle and well-behaved than the first time in my memory.

Song Shizhou apologized to her and sent her away.

Two months later, Song Shizhou met Bai Ruowei again in the small art studio owned by his sister. Miss Bai, who had always been frightened,

held her hand and said,

"Didn't you say... you will love me forever?"

"Why? Are you lying to me?"


Everyone said that Bai Ruowei was withdrawn and difficult to approach.

Until one day, a fool picked her up.

The fool was really stupid, but sincere. He was so sincere that he said "I love you" in her ear a thousand times, and

Bai Ruowei believed it.

Since this idiot loves her so much, she can condescend to lower her body and play with her reluctantly.

But one day that fool broke the appointment and she died.

Bai Ruowei remembered the lessons of her previous life, and thought that she would be nicer to Song Shizhou in this life, give her more sweetness, and let her be her own puppy. But to her surprise...


Shizhou didn't want her anymore.

She found Song Shizhou's traces and followed her to a small art studio. Outside the glass window, she saw Song Shizhou smiling at a woman who looked exactly like herself, smiling like he only did when facing her.

At that moment, Bai Ruowei went completely crazy.

1. If you fail to train your dog, you will be trained. ?

Iceberg O said she loves me after the rebirth of Scum A GL MTLWhere stories live. Discover now