Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Caelus's familiar, wide smile, "Sorry for the wait," As if he hadn't just given you the biggest scare of your life.

"Aren't you also a guest?" You said, surprised. 

Caelus chuckled and shook his head. "I practically live here," He said with a laugh. You weren't surprised. You had seen him everywhere you went, and it was nothing new to know that he would end up here as well.

You nervously trailed behind Caelus into the dimly lit foyer of the house, taking in the sights of the traditional antiques that Dan Heng had talked about. The place was unlike any you had ever seen before, full of old artifacts and priceless heirlooms. You couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the wealth and history of everything around you.

Caelus led you towards the dining room, "Make yourself at home!" You looked around at the opulent surroundings, feeling a bit uncomfortable. As Caelus settled in on the sofa with a bag of chips, casually, like he owned the place. It wasn't a new sight for you; Caelus was known for his wide presence and his ability to pop up anywhere, at any time.

"Where's Dan Heng?" You asked hesitantly, wondering if he was in the house so you could quickly greet him before leaving. 

The grey-haired took a bite of his chip before responding, "He's in his room. I haven't told him you were coming so he probably won't bother coming out of his room."

You looked at Caelus confused, but sighed, knowing that it was nothing new for you. You took the small plant pot from your bag, "Here's the plant pot toilet addition you've been asking..."

His eyes widened as he took the pot, and he leaped up from the sofa, grinning from ear to ear. "You actually got it? No way! I can't believe you did, thank you!" He gushed his body language that of a child on Christmas morning who'd just been handed a shiny new toy.

Seeing him so happy made you chuckle, but you couldn't help but feel a small tinge of sadness. You wondered if anyone had ever gone to such lengths for you. Still, the happiness on Caelus's face was infectious, and you found yourself smiling as he continued to examine the plant pot, his expression one of sheer delight.

As Caelus continued to express his joy and excitement over the plant pot, you could feel the tension building in the room. It was a cute sight, but you couldn't help feeling a moment of hesitation when you heard the door at the end of the hallway slam open. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of Dan Heng, his raven hair messy as if he had just woken up, scowling as he marched over to the dining room.

"Caelus, I swear to the aeons if you do not shut up, I will throw you out while you're in a dumpster and lock you up in there!" Dan Heng shouted with an annoyed face, his eyes blinking at the sight of you and Caelus in the dining room.

His eyes darted back and forth between you and Caelus, the expression on his face one of obvious embarrassment. He turned beet-red before storming back into his room, slamming the door behind him.

As you stood in the dining room, still taking in the surreal scene that just unfolded, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awkwardness and embarrassment. You kept glancing at the shut door of Dan Heng's room, feeling like you should apologize or explain yourself. You didn't want him to think you were some kind of intruder who was just there to bother him.

You turned to Caelus with a frown, trying to keep your voice low. "This is why you tell the people in the house when a guest is coming! You shouldn't have sprung this on Dan Heng like this. It's rude."

Caelus looked at you with a bemused expression, his mouth twitching in a smile. "I know, I know. I just didn't think it would be such a big deal." He shrugged, picking up the bag of chips and taking another handful.

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