Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Hidden

with the sun setting and darkness return to the street.

immediately the crowded street filled with protester and rowdy civilian went silent setting apart with the coming night.

the night has become much more dangerous and so the civilian of Ilhim lock their door worried for their life

trash littering down the street and many shop standing on ruin

and not only the light from the street lamp but fire and burned rubbish lighten up the street.

in a very few day he's been here not even a week such settlement slowly fall into anarchy day by day.

its gradual yet visible.

walking through the street with most of his body hidden in the shadow, he manage to travel in the chaotic street unharmed, theres no hobo to threaten him like yesterday and minding his own business did wonder.

there is one woman trying to call foe help from the alleyway but due to his knowledge calling for help is a common tactic used by criminal from his experience back on earth and so he ignore her cries for help.

there was nothing he can do if there are a criminal trying to prey on someone tying to play the hero, with his semblance locked his main strength is basically crippled.

for the rest of his journey there was no problem

of course there is one gang member that tried his luck to mug him however unfortunately to him.

hammer and skull do combined rather wonderfully.

whether he lives or not isn't his problem.

while he did not strike with enough force to cause brain damage or concussion...

he currently have an aura.

unable to use it, yet passively giving a large boost to his strength.

its very likely to be the case.

however remnant civilian is somewhat more hardy compared to standard human back on earth


ignoring that guy for now.

it may be hypocritical that he mourned for a guy he murdered yet causing another possible death however currently that gut is no longer the focus.

he walked upon the much trashed neighborhood, house raided, graffiti covered the wall with slur. the formerly beautiful street turned into something much reminiscent to a aged ghost town.

for once with nothing else to do, he started speculating the odd phenomena that affect the citizen of Ilhim.

yet it seems strange that with the waking of the harvester the effect seems to be much larger.

at first its only have he ability to worsen someone mood.

But now it have a capability to create a full on riot and straight up turn a functional settlement into an anarchist fuckfest.

his first theory, the harvester.

yet if it really does have the range to passively emit negativity to an entire village than it definitely a much powerful or mutated variant, If so he really is fucked. something he cant even beat as stat wise other than intelligent the harvester can likely kill him just by the scale of negativity it produce.

as he formerly stated.

Grimm presence inherently is a poison to human and Faunus especially those without an aura.

however to confirm his theory.

"hey system, can you show me the status of Harvester?"

he asked outloud to the empty space, stoping on his track his question echoes to the street.


[Access denied, However The harvester doesn't have any capability to emit such range of negativity.]


'thats disappointing but at least this confirm my theory about one thing.

There's indeed a second grimm

it doesn't make sense that a single grimm have the capability to destroy such a powerful settlement.

so indeed theres a second grimm which act like a beacon of hatred.

with the exception of those with aura many human will be busy killing each other not realizing the harvester slaughtering their kin.

the second unknown grimm emitted negativity will be accumulated too much to the point that everyone sanity will disappeared turning into a frenzied chimpanzee.

in short the main threat is not the harvester, the main threat is the hidden grimm

as if to confirm his second theory.



[Host have discovered a hidden quest]

[Hidden quest unlocked]

[Hidden quest]:

- (Uprooted O'h Root of hatred): the Host have discovered a deeper shadow behind it all, the true threat have been uncovered from the soil. tarnishing the heart of human with hatred. fulfilled this quest by either consuming or slay the heart of it all. by fulfillng this quest the harvester will be weakened by the day it waked from its slumber.

- Reward: 1x [Tarnished maiden statue], 1000 [Dark substance], 50 [Soul shard], 1x [Skull regret]


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