Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Old Gunsmith Simon

silence spread to the room as the old bearded man and the black haired teen looked at each other, their eyes locked in the battle of wits. 

A stand off between a retired huntsman and anomaly of remnant.

(Y/n) eyes looked at the old man eyes with a cold gaze yet deep in his mind he is calculating every possible way to escape this situation.

'Theres several way that i could escape from the old man, yet being a huntsman mean that any physical attempt I've made will be useless, and comparing our build despite looking outside his prime too catch up in speed yet such thing wont matter due to aura.  I could made up a story about how its for self defense. telling half of the story might be much effective but what kind-.'

his mind went into overwork thinking of every possibility and solution yet his eyes never left the old man alerted for every hint of movement

a minute have passed before finally a sound broke the unbearable silence.

"Self defense..."

The old man show a confused expression on his face.

"I need self defense... shit likely will hit the fan with how much negativity ilhim produce."

he said a truth yet without telling the whole story.

the old man simply seek an explanation and so he obtained it.

everyone in Ilhim know about the phenomena that swallow the village in an unstable and reactive emotion.

Even an average civilian should be able to put the piece together about this phenomenas.

Riot have been happening ever since the huntsman is deployed outside the village and no one have the explanation for why this could happen.

With how much negativity everyone here produced its simply a miracle that no grimm have tried to attack ilhim in its weakened state.

however only he know that the negavity did indeed attract something.

and that something is much worse than the standard Beowolf and even the giant nevermore pale in comparison to the massacre it could commit.

in fact the reason he come specifically to the gun shop is so that he could improve his arsenal.

while theres an Aquila bone blade in his inventory that is rather effective as a melee weapon, It was simply not enough.

the old man sighed as the glow on his body suddenly becoming dimmer. with annoyance he looked at the teen infront of him.

"Fine, however one more question."

the pressure disappeared but instead it seems the eye of the old man become much softer.

"What do you know of transforming weapon? it doesn't matter if its true or false as I shall be the judge of that. just be honest to me."

he asked with seems to be no other intention other than to examined the teen answer.


'his answer feels fishy. at first he seems me to be able to see through my intention, yet when I said the truth he seemed to be disappointed and suddenly asking minor question?.'

its strange that the old man suddenly ask about transforming weapon, after what seems to be a minor questioning.

transforming weapon is a very common weapon that formed many culture in Remnant and has served popular among huntsman, civilian, bandit and even a fucking baby could have a transforming weapon. its not surprising theres many opinion about it.

however for many people especially the weapon fanatic speaking ill of transforming weapon in general is like saying that you fucked their girlfriend, mom, dad and grandparents as well while dropkicking their baby in a mach 10 speed.

he was about to answer before suddenly...

a suspicion formed and his thought suddenly click together.

of course he's a damm huntsman its bullshit that a guy at his ages don't have any fucking Semblance.

while he don't think much of his behavior, revisiting back upon the old man behavior, question and every body language he made.

It was clear enough his semblance is related to truth or lie detection.

while he's not even sure if he's right or wrong, it damm well have something to do with question. while if he answer with a single lie on his word it likely he could able to identify any lie he made. yet the fact the old man ask such a simple question could either meant  he simply overthink about the old man or that its the much more powerful truth reading.

he couldn't avoid the old man question, and so he decided to the only thing reasonable.

spoke every fucking word in his heart.

he worried about the consequence later.

"transforming weapon in my opinion is indeed a marvelous technology, allowing anyone the ability to change their fighting style on a whim from range to melee and much more efficiently bringing more form of versatility in any combat-

the old man looked at the kid in front of him and nodded in satisfaction.

he's not done however.

"But in my current state, they are nothing but a shitty overpriced tech. They are an over-complicated weaponry that is made specifically to suit or grow with individual, while indeed flashy and versatile in combat. without an aura just a single broken part will fuck that weapon up and it could cost me a hundred lien to monthly maintain Transforming weapon. and you don't even need a weaponsmith just to understand how hard nor expensive it is to maintain such monstrosity of engineering."

hearing his rant the old man looked at him wide eyed.


the room is stuck under a strange silence

if any of the weapon cult heard (Y/n) response, they would beat him to the inch of his life on the spot.



but yet the old man hearing his very controversial take about transforming weapon couldn't help but laugh.

there was not even a single lie in his word, they are made with logical reasoning and theres truth behind his words.

Transforming weapon is only as reliable as its price under the hand of a aura user, while in the hands of a normal inexperienced citizen they are nothing more than an overcomplicated and gimmick weapon.

"I like ya kid, The name Simon I'm the owner of this cozy store"

the old man introduce himself clearly accepting his response.

'strange, his response is better than I expected.'

(Y/n) could help but think so.

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