Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Psychopomps, the guide of soul

{Dear Employees, due to various setback in recent year we are apologize to inform you that our company is forced to terminate your contract due to the recent economical instability, we again will apolagize for this sudden news and thank you for your contribution to the company.}

Reading the mail in front of him the man depressingly take a large chug of his beer can.

despite being in his 20s, his face seems to aged hearing the news.

compared to many people of his age that become a failure and become a parasite to society, he managed his life rather well but it seem that his luck is finally running out.

he throw the empty beer can away massaging his forehead trying to forcefully suppressing the rising headache.

losing his job while is surprising, it isn't a big setback to him that has made several connection with different company. normally this shouldn't be a problem if the second economic crisis didn't happened.

Many company he have connected himself too is in trouble with said economic crisis, even said connection no matter how thick has clear limit.

"It seems that the scale of the Crisis is wider than I predicted, even some first rate country been completely crippled."

Reading the rather grim news, his complexion become darker. Taking some pieces of news and gathering them to a single bits, it's easy to piece together that it wont be long before a conflict between nation to appear.

Whether or not a war will ignite from the spark He's not certain, yet it seems a more likely chance as much as he want to deny such idea.

Before he could delve inside his thought , he feels a powerful explosion sending him flying and a painful scorching before his world go dark.

'Why is it so calm? Why did the pain suddenly disappear.'

Waking up instead of seeing a ruined apartment he see a endless black void with no end in sight.

Normally a normal person he included would freak out or have deep feeling of emotional instability.

Yet he feels nothing, its as if all his emotion is taken away and replaced with a inexplicable calmness unbefitting of his situation.

Looking around he see nothing but darkness


He finally see a bright light acting like a torch in the seemingly never-ending void.

Getting up he subconsciously understand what he must do.

Walking to the torch, he realize not long that light is bigger than he think. The longer he walk the light in front of his eyes get bigger. Yet there was no sign of him getting even closer.

He's been walking for what feels like months yet the light never get closer only bigger.

It is impossible for humans to walk for months even less an entire day, yet he feels no exhaustion as if his soul isn't contained by his body.

Nevertheless his mind isn't idle during the walks, he recognize the darkness as the afterlife. For what is the light? He can only guess.

surprisingly his mind hasn't gone insane from the surrounding darkness, His mental state just like his body seems to be unconstrained by physical limitation.

However it didn't take that long before finally the light stop growing and instead he realized that he finally could see the source of light.

A giant sun radiating purple light giving a mystical feel and such beautiful sight made him breathless.

However he don't understand how but he could feel the sun looking at him, the pressure of the sun gaze is strangely uncomfortable.

Yet before long the pressure disappeared and relief returned to his body again.

He subconsciously recognize the identity of the existence infront of him is not a god however it is a powerful divine being, Its very purpose is singular yet complicated.

Theres no need for it to talk, for talking is inefficient to it and also to him, It recognized him and it tell without a whisper.

"I see, so that's how I died..."

He muttered, the conflict between nation is already set in stone even before the second world economic crisis, its simply that crisis just accelerate the war. And unluckily one of the ballistic missile set by the country strayed from its courses hitting directly to his apartment.

the explosion instantly killed him, the shrapnel torn his body to shred.

Yet he doesn't feel anger or grief upon hearing of his death, just calmness.

Looking back at the giant sun, he could understand its intention without a single word.

"From what I understand, you want me to act as your errand boy in another world?"

The sun does not respond yet its glow brighter momentarily as if confirming his thought.

Thinking deeply, he just sighed and asked another question.

"If I reject your proposal, what will happened to me?"

The sun stayed silent for a few second before answering its question.

His expression darkened hearing the entity answer, so far theres no choice but to accept its proposal.

So far its contract is only beneficial to him, even if he slave away in that world to help the entity, the ability to feels life again is too good for him to decline. And even while reading its condition countless time he could not found any harmful term.

"Fine, I agree to your proposal."

This time the sun glow brighter radiating the darkness, and for the first rime its light blinded him and again his consciousness turn dark.

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