Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Crack

everything is painful

everything was so normal back then

he's simply talking with the deer Faunus

yet by failing to heed his promise in regard with his Semblance

his mind jumbled without any clear direction

and his heart feels like it was squished by a hand

the moment he desummoned the dreadtraxer

suddenly it seems as if his body become as fragile as porcelain vase

under the bottom of a fucking Mariana trench.

at first a nosebleed appeared.

which while not anything major its simply a beginning

yet the moment he walked away from the park, its as if all his strength leave his body

and suddenly everything went to hell.

his arm bone suddenly justle out and mutate growing out of his arms.

It was fucking painful that he want nothing more to tear the flesh from his arm and yet before he could do that a blurry but familiar blue window appeared on his vision.


[host has been afflicted with death State]

[accumulation of hostile material to both human body, mind and soul]

[Stretching Sanity beyond the limit]

[Overusage of Semblance]

[Constant consumption of volatile substance]

[Original chance of death 92%]

{Host defense protocol]

[Semblance successfully locked]

[Chance of death is lowered to 84%]

[Beginner Second chance protocol activated]

[Soul Protection System: (Aura) Temporary  Unlocked]

[Chance of death is lowered to 35%]


looking at the blue window infront of with barely any cognition left, he's not sure if everything is a hallucination yet he could understand one thing.

the system is trying to save him.

normally system from one dimension to another is usually uncaring to its host simply threatening their life normalized by the convenient world with death and exploiting them dry.

in the eyes of most system a host is nothing more but a replacable commodity.

however Dimension hopping for many system is still easy with their creator being powerful or divine enough for any lower dimension that they could do whatever they want.

in another term a host is replaceable in the beginning, and to find a good host it would take Hundred or thousand of dead host.

yet in a much closer look dimension is a very gimmicky concept even to higher being.

in fact the system did indeed have a lot of former host, million in fact.

however almost all of them save for the very few died due to their own hand not by the system hand.

some abuse their power to early and gain the attention of a much stronger being in the world food chain.

many perversely tried to gain a harem and live in debauchery and as so many in this set failed and indeed gain a humiliating end.

a lot died straight out by idiocy.

and from its experience the more adaptive and normal human being is more likely to survive in certain world where the more unique one has higher chance to thrive but lower survival.

so (Y/n) is its last host before its eventual termination by its patron.

not knowing such information the said host is struggling against his own body.

his arm mutation is very severe yet before he could rip it out using everything he have.


[Darkheart protocol]

[afflicting temporary Minor grimmification]

[Chance of death is lowered to 17%]

[Host status acceptable]


suddenly the bone mutation inside his arm stop and recovered to its original position.

despite the constant pain in his arm screaming at him.

he manage to gain his bearing.

he simply lay down the dirty ground.

his briefcase sat on the ground a 5000 lien gun lay.

a minute has passed.

ten minute has passed

and after 30 minutes or so, he finally gain coherent of his situation.

glancing at his formerly mutated arm.


is pale.

not a human-like paleness but paper white.

and from the noticeable black vein he looked on in horror.

checking his body he notice that it is deadly pale, while he cant see his own face currently.

likely its no different.

'this will draw too much attention...'

a pale skin man would indeed draw too much attention.

in the evening nontheless.

as such the only thing he could do is wait until night arrive where the street slowly becoming void of human presence.

walking around with major difficulty, he walked around the empty park, making sure to avoid any human presence.

walking around he hide his face wearing a plastic skull mask without many option and of course waited until darkness come.

likely from night to the next day he will be unable to hunt any Grimm.

his plan in a disarray and second and third day of the quest wasted.

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