Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Consume and Kill

not even 10 step inside the forest a beowolf lunge at him from his side, hidden by the bush even the mentally prepared (Y/n) is forcefully taken a back.

however before it could make contact with him, another beowolf pounce on it  subduing it into the ground.

before it could recover from the impact and shrug off the weaker beowolf, three of his nevermore immediately attack with intent to kill.

using their arrow sized feather as projectile, they turn the bewildered Beowolf into porcupine

it howled in pain before dying.

killing it.

looking at the disintegrating beowolf, he immediately acted opening his palm at its general direction and activating his semblance to absorb the remains of the beowolf.

it was successful.

looking at the black orb sitting on his palm, he without hesitation consume the orb.

there was simply no longer any room for hesitation he either do it now and increase his potential army or simply stuck in a mental skirmish about how he could suffer in different way eating shit.

his body immediately revolted against swallowing the orb, however strangely enough unlike before it was less unpleasant.

don't get him wrong

IT still Taste like Shit

however strangely enough it seems as if his body has become more tolerant to the inherently repulsive nature of the black orb.

and despite the orb still tasing like absolute shit, he no longer feel like clawing his throat out every time he consume the orb.

however his thought is cut short as more beowolf approach them, no longer trying to stay hidden they sprint with their powerful Leg, attacking him at a ferocity that's hard to convey.

however snapping out of his thought, using more of his sanity he immediately summoned the recently consumed beowolf.

as liquid like shadow appear infront of him the recently consumed beowolf crawled out. forming a mental string with it, he let out a simple command.

'slow them down.'

without any question it immediately charge as if with the 3 other Beowolf under him and half of the nevermore as a support, slowing down the horde of beowolf.

of course the mental strain of commanding every grimm in his army is very high, so by thinning off the mental string of the rest of his grimm he could feel the strain on his mind decreasing to a much tolerable point.

however 4 beowolf cannot stop down a dozen of grimm on their own even with the 10 ranged support flying hidden in the tree.

so by adding a single more mental string to the giant nevermore behind him, he could somewhat feel himself synchronizing much deeper into the giant nevermore, each action of the giant nevermore feels closer to his limbs and each feather feels like the hair on his body.

recovering from the sudden experience, the nevermore fly to the sky unbothered by the thick tree and leave as his command. and with the flap of its wing.


wind whistle as countless feather the size of a spear struck down on the hostile beowolf and each projectile fall with accuracy unnatural for such large beast, killing or pinning any beowolf.

facing the lowering number of their ally, instead of slowing down they instead become more ferocious as befitting of their nature.

despite countless beowolf getting stopped by the beowolf and nevermore defense line.

his rushed defense line is not perfect nor is it wide enough, as some manage to pass through the beowolf wall and hail of feather.

however a large portion of beowolf instead are much more hostile on the 4 beowolf under his command, (Y/n) don't know that for any grimm type the nature of traitor in their kin is a sensitive subject and such a large amount of aggro is instead focus on the traitor beowolf.

and the four Beowolf indeed fulfill their purpose to slow down the horde of beowolf.

however with amount of 7 beowolf locked on him and with no grimm on his side other than the giant nevermore on the sky busily raining death.

he was fucked if this him was yesterday night with no weapon and low sanity on his side.

however ever since the appearance of the main quest, he's been doing everything to extend his arsenal.



a gunshot sound roar out hitting a beowolf accurately hitting the mask blowing part of its face and staggering it.

in his hand a dust powered musket recently obtained from the guard post.

of course another beowolf out of his sight came just a step away from him swinging its claw at head.

by the warning signal of the giant nevermore, he's able to Narrowly dodge the claw. and by narrowly if he was a second late to dodge then his whole face will be torn by the grimm sharp claw.

normally with only a musket as his weapon he should retreat backward as the beowolf held the advance in close combat.

yet by doing everything to extend his arsenal, then of course he also opened up the 10 gacha feature that he forget.

before the beowolf could strike back and sealed the deal.

he immediately used a pale knife almost devoid of feature striking the beowolf straight on the throat.

killing it.

with 2 grimm dead despite his low combat experience, he feels a sense of achievement different from one he feels before.

yet his fight haven't finished yet.

with 5 beowolf closing deeper into his location, he frantically pull back the breach & lock part and reseting the fire dust inside it.

using 2,7 second to reload much faster than any musket on earth, he aimed at the closest beowolf.



a large amount of mass immediately blown away from its unarmored shoulder with its left arm is gone, it collapse to the ground. and with its speed suddenly falling to zero, the Beowolf behind it also fall due to the sudden obstacle.

while two beowolf is currently subdued for now, the three beowolf is still set on his location, he immediately use his semblance on the nearest beowolf he killed using his recent knife and absorbed its body, turning it into an orb.

he swallowed it immediately and with no time to waste, he summon the newest beowolf and set its role as his meat shield.

however with no hesitation it pounce at the three beowolf in a suicidal manner of loyalty

while a single beowolf is unable to kill the 3 other beowolf. it bring enough time for him to reload his musket again.

during the duration of the beowolf shield life, it allow him to kill two other Beowolf through an accurate headshot and severely injured one.

before the injured grimm could recovered, (Y/n) immediately strike deep into the Skull with his knife.

killing it.

however his job is not over yet.

not until he sufferingly consumed every Beowolf he could before his sanity collapse and.

pushing his palm into the direction beowolf dissipating corpse he subconsciously activated his semblance.

'activate, [Despair collection].'

and in the forest for hours only the howl and shriek of a nevermore is heard.

Grimm Summoning SystemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon