Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: deeper into the forest.

Sub quest and main quest.

for the continuous progession of any storyline, a series of event must happened and situation regarding condition must be fulfilled

this is where the main quest work, they worked as a core event of the world. its an unavoidable situation where if ignored have a deep consequence either to major character at its smallest or the world at large.

sub quest is a much minor event or situation that barely relate to the core storyline, however sub quest does affect the main quest in certain way. sure Subquest could affect a main quest in many way, either by empowering his self or change some part of the main quest, either negatively or positively.

the Harvester quest as an example of a main quest is related to situation of Minstral territory. if ignored than a large part Ilhim will be massacred and as such will trigger a domino effect such as various smaller settlement in Minstral left without a core alley, civil unrest will spread like wild fire, trust on Minstral huntsmans will be much weaker, and the negativity can causes a Disaster level grimm to be born.

of course its seems like bullshit that Ilhim a village that is much more like a city to be destroyed by a single tier 5 grimm.

however its much common than you think.

during remnant history, various settlement has indeed been destroyed by a tide of Grimm or in rare case a single strong grimm.

despite what was seen in the show, not every human have the same capabilities to fight against giant darkness monster. while a single huntsman could fight against an army of grimm, a normal citizen even with aura would struggle to kill even a single Ursa Minor.

however it was different if it was a boss level grimm.

in remnant official grimm study, there was a tiering system for grimm and a level system.

tier 1 as the lowest made tier and tier 10 with the highest tier up to date.

currently with remnant continuous discovery of grimm it likely will prove to be much inefficient

while level is much different, as they are made to state the condition of the grimm not their strenght and despite its confusing system, it was much more reliable currently.

there was various level made for grimm, such as horde level, normal level, elite level, boss level, and more such as the unique disaster level and Named level made for few certain grimm in remnant history.

normal level include the normal beowolf, ursa minor, and normal sized adult nevermore.

Elite level being the upgrade of the normal level, include alpha beowolf, Ursa Major, King taijitu, and surprisingly giant nevermore included being officially at this level despite its power exceeding the many grimm in elite level.

while many hunstman even the on in training being ultimately capable to deal with many of the normal and elite Grimm without many difficulty.

even so Boss level is...

a Monster that can't be compared to the former two level.

they assume as the main fighting force or the commander in any grimm horde, leading the lower grimm to any assault on humanity settlement.

however their physical might is the problem...

as the main presence of the grimm horde, They had so much power even to hunstman veteran it was hard to believe they are a single being.

even a single boss level grimm has the capability to massacre a settlement with hunstman presence.

to take one down require a team of professional huntsman at least.

while a single elite may unable to destroy a city full of human, such situation is immediately different with the appearance of a boss level grimm.

as so with (Y/n) capability, theres no chance he's able to fight a boss level grimm in the next 7 days.

even with the strongest fighting force being an elite level giant nevermore, he had almost 30% chance of winning.


he uses all his potential arsenal.

back at the grimm forest, his expression remained dark looking at the conglomeration of tree and flora.

despite his negativity attracting the inhabitant in the forest.

so be it...

a shadow started appear surrounding him, as wing of bird and wolf being started to crawl out of the liquid darkness.

summoning all of the nevermore in his collection, all three of the beowolf he obtained and even the giant nevermore.


[Warning! sanity dropped 79% reality feels like hell]

[Remaining sanity 9%]

[hallucination and reality is unrecognizable]

[warning!Chance of soul collapsing when sanity fall below 5%]


despite the soul splitting headache assaulting him, he immediately open up the pill container.

with reality being harder to differentiate from hallucinations, it feels like swallowing a brick just to even to swallow the pill.

however immediately after he swallow the pill, he is eye regain their light.

free from madness, he walk deeper into the forest, with the various grimm under his command following him closely.

walking into the a different realm hostile to human. 

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